Monday Weigh-in #1

Oct 31, 2011 09:20

Today is my first day of doing Monday weigh-ins, and we are already off to a great start! I weighed in this morning at 146.2 pounds, which is down from 147.5 on Friday. That means I lost 1.3 pounds over the weekend, which is really surprising, considering:

- On Saturday, I went on a baking spree
- On Sunday, I went to a free pizza and beer-tasting event and then went on another baking spree (it's bake sale season).

Still, throughout the whole weekend, I was really conscious of the fact that I'd be weighing in today, and I think that kept me from doing my usual "IT'S THE WEEKEND BABY I'LL EAT WHATEVER I WANT" thing, which is bad.

So now that I'm back in the 146-range, I think that my goal for Friday's weigh-in will be 145. That's a loss of .8 pounds in four days (since I weigh in on Friday morning). Come on, Self! We can do it!

(I got a new weight ticker. Cuter than the old one, right?!)


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