Dec 26, 2004 09:45
good morning lj kids. this is the earliest i've been up in awhile.
sang at both the 5:00 children's service and the 10:45 candlelight service. it was hectic. at the 5:00 i had a duet with this kid, elliot. we played hang man in church. during the eucharist...the donkey from the pageant fell over. and during the Lord's prayer you could hear this one little girl praying extremely loudly. so she says, "Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come...uhh..." she was cute.
ate breakfast and opened presents. then watched napoleon dynamite with my dad. he enjoyed it. went to the curry's. took pictures with my digital camera of bill curry cutting the fried turkey. ate a whole bunch. everyone felt sort of sick, so to ease our sufferings...we opened more presents
medi kima!