Mar 03, 2005 19:11
Well, I finally found what I have been searching all week for and I have a new store to shop at. I won’t bore you with the details, but it revolves around the 99 scrapbooks I have to make!
Good news! My hubcap has shipped! Hee hee…just a few more days of ghetto driving!
I was so hungry on my way home from work that I ordered Japanese takeout. I only ate ½ so I don’t feel too bad about it. Now I’m watching Golden Girls. Oh, there’s nothing on until later tonight.
Here’s my take on the family thing. Now, my perception is different than anyone else’s but, like everyone else, I’m going to give my opinion…and a story. My brother asked me for $1000 one time. I gave it to him. He only paid back $700. Whatever…I could afford it. On my last birthday he calls and wishes me a happy birthday and, oh by the way, can I borrow $1000? I told this to another friend one time and she said, “You didn’t give it to him did you?” My answer…yes…he’s my brother. Do I ever expect my brother to repay me? No. Will I give him more money if he offered? Yes. He’s my brother. Like I said, every family and their situations are different, but whether you are enabling them or not, they are your family. Now, if it meant that I couldn’t survive, then no, he wouldn’t get the money, but since I can afford it, then that’s what I do.
Well, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. I can put my leftovers away until tomorrow or Saturday and begin crafting. I know you are excited Alicia!
Oh to prevent livejournal from losing my work, I started typing it in Word and then copying and pasting it.