Work has picked up with the coming of the busy season, thus my sociability has been limited to the occasional drink after work. With minimal exception.
Such as: got hooked up with my favorite ever seats for a giants game. Can't complain about $145 face value tickets for free, but will complain, because they are in the owners section, thus almost closer to the batter than the pitcher:
The batter in the on deck circle blocks the view of the plate. Other than that they're great. Although they had no chocolate malts in the club section. Lame.
Went to dinner last night at a restaurant that boasts 'carnival themed food' I imbibed this :
Which was a mixture of sake and curaçao and some other things and had Swedish fish in it.
Thought about ordering this:
Which yes, is a burger with a donut as a bun. I instead split with my friend because I was unsure how that unholy coupling would pan out, but it actually wasn't bad. Though I'd have to make a point to eat quickly before the donut gets too soggy.
Also, my bonus at work was slightly bigger than I anticipated, so I'm thinking it's vacation time. Though I don't know where. I may just cop out and go somewhere where I can use this:
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