my coworker Bob Nemeth has been doing myofascial work for 20 years. He's amazing and the work we are doing together is totally changing my body.
Fascia is the web of connective tissue found throughout the body and this work deals primarily with it, locating adhesions and "stuck" places and releasing them. it's especially useful for scar tissue and fascia build up which is the biggest trouble with Dupuytren Contracture. If you like I can do some basic stuff with you, scar tissue release and stretching, and if you like it and think it would be effective, I can introduce you to Bob and you can start seeing him as he's the expert. ;)
considering that one of the treatments for DC is ultrasound, I believe that the type of deep tissue release work that I'm talking about would be more effective than surgery, injections,or any of that. having a human being feeling the tissue, breaking down the scar tissue and then stretching and releasing the fascia seems like the most effective method and I'm shocked that there isn't more info suggesting that treatment online.
Anyhow let me know if you'd like me to take a look at what's going on. Are you in pain?
Thanks. The pain in centralized in the bumps i have on the palm and arch of my foot. I have had the foot problem for years...but It seems I have a predisposition for knots and fibrosis..i have similar issues with my neck and back. So it short..therapy is probably a good idea.
I had a cortisone shot today and it helped, but I am open to anything that would help. Thanks again. Perhaps we can talk on the phone.
Fascia is the web of connective tissue found throughout the body and this work deals primarily with it, locating adhesions and "stuck" places and releasing them. it's especially useful for scar tissue and fascia build up which is the biggest trouble with Dupuytren Contracture. If you like I can do some basic stuff with you, scar tissue release and stretching, and if you like it and think it would be effective, I can introduce you to Bob and you can start seeing him as he's the expert. ;)
considering that one of the treatments for DC is ultrasound, I believe that the type of deep tissue release work that I'm talking about would be more effective than surgery, injections,or any of that. having a human being feeling the tissue, breaking down the scar tissue and then stretching and releasing the fascia seems like the most effective method and I'm shocked that there isn't more info suggesting that treatment online.
Anyhow let me know if you'd like me to take a look at what's going on. Are you in pain?
I had a cortisone shot today and it helped, but I am open to anything that would help. Thanks again.
Perhaps we can talk on the phone.
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