We took a trip

Apr 17, 2013 22:00

So last week we went to Oklahoma, it was a really good trip. So  very tiring. I swear I didn't sleep more than a couple of hours at a time all week. I was able to meet so many wonderful family members. I met my uncle John in person and he looks and acts just like Dad. well John had a job until he was laid off. But they stand the same, fix their hair the same laugh the same and so on. It was such a blast from the past. and it makes me miss dad that much more. the kids all got along GREAT and I realized that I want to live closer to family. Not really Oklahoma mainly because of HIGH humidity, scorpions, tarantulas, tornados, and two in long red hornets. fucking HUGE ASS hornets. so ya that's just a few reasons not to move there. however, I have once again been looking at Oregon it's closer, and less scary ass bugs. My cousin, her kids and two of my aunts are there. I would have family near and maybe that empty feeling of something missing will be a little less. I would however really miss the ferret shelter. Ya know Ihave an amazing family. One of my cousins drove 4 hours round trip to get us from the airport. One Aunt made necklaces, and another makes really neat hand bags.they are such a great group of people.

In other aspects of life a long time friend of mine ended up in jail. she tried to kill her child she told her she wished he had died. I have decided I can no longer keep that friendship. Not that I can tell her because she is in jail and I won't put money on any cards to talk to her but eventually I will have to say it to her. I simply can't imagine saying that to my child no matter how much of a pain in the ass she is being.

In yet other news, I have a steady spot at a school until the end of the school year. so that is good news. I enjoy what I do but I am ready to go back to school and continue on with my education and life. in that aspect mom is trying to find a house we can all live in together forever. yaaaa no. I really do want my own place again I miss having my own place. because of shit like we are paying ALL the house hold bills and all she pays the house payment. hell she hasn't bought dog food since she has been driving local. well until yesterday when she decided that a 4 pound bad was a sutable contribution. seriously it pissed me off. either way here are some pictures from the trip. never mind picture later it's being a pain in the ass.


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