Profile meme

Oct 04, 2009 13:16

[Character name] Logan AKA Wolverine (born James Howlett)
[Canon] X-Men (movieverse only)
[Point in time taken from canon] At the end of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, in between the moment he gets shot by Stryker and the moment he wakes up without any memories (will keep his memories in Somarium)

[Age] Over a hundred and fifty years old but looks about 35 years old
[Gender] Male. Very very much male XD
[Sexual Orientation] Heterosexual

[Eye Color] Brown
[Hair Color] Brown
[Height] 6’2’’
[Other] Logan is extremely buffed and has three retractable adamantium claws in each fist.
[Clothing] Summer clothing  Winter clothing  Why yes, he has a wonderful fashion sense XD


James ‘Logan’ Howlett was born in the late 19th century in Northern Canada. Son of a wealthy plantation owner, Jimmy was always sick as a child and was often bedded because of recurring fevers. Still he had time to befriend the son of his father’s groundskeeper, Victor Creed. One night, as Jimmy tried to recover from another fever, with Victor watching over him, his father was rudely called out by the groundskeeper. Even though the children were ordered to stay in Jimmy’s room, they marched out of it as they heard gunshots in the house. Victor’s father had killed Jimmy’s, in front of his mother. The grief and trauma of loosing his beloved father triggered Jimmy’s mutation and dense bone claws grew out of his fists. Blinded by sorrow, the boy drove them into the groundskeeper’s chest, mortally wounding him. But before dying, the man revealed a terrible secret to the child: it was him his real father and not Mr. Howlett. Confused and surprised by his violent impulses, Jimmy let himself be led out of the house by Victor. Once in the woods, the older child told him how they were both different of the rest of the people and how they should always stick together, as brothers should always do. They ran away from the plantation together and as they grew into adulthood, they became inseparable, heavily relying on each other for everything.

Not a lot is known about the two brothers past, except that they enrolled in every war they could get to. They became American citizens as they fought in the Civil War, they fought in the trenches of WWI, worked together for the Normandy Landings during WWII and were of course shipped to Vietnam in the mid 60’s. With each passing war, Victor seemed to embrace his animalistic instincts more and more while Jimmy seemed to become more jaded with them, forging a sense of justice and morality within his violent self. During their stay in Vietnam, Victor killed a superior officer that tried to stop him from raping a young local woman. Though clearly disapproving of his brother’s behaviour, Jimmy sided with his older sibling and fought his own team mates until they were surrounded and forced to surrender. For their mutiny, they were sentenced to death by firing squad which, of course, failed to kill them both.

While more or less rotting in a prison after their unsuccessful death penalty, the two brothers were visited by a man named Stryker. The decorated officer offered them to use their powers to help their country under his commandment, within a group of soldiers, equally as special as the brothers, called Team X. Seeing a chance to be themselves and be useful, they both joined Stryker’s team and were sent around the world to do the officer’s bidding. One of those missions brought them to a blood diamonds dealer in Africa. Stryker’s insistent demands to know where a certain type of meteor could be found led the team to a small, peaceful village. But when the questioning of the man that found the meteor turned sour and caused Team X to show disregard for human life, Jimmy stepped in to stop the fight and walked out of the Team afterwards, cutting his ties to Victor as a brother.

Six years later, Jimmy (now named Logan) was back in Northern Canada, living a peaceful life as a lumberjack. He was sharing his life with a young Native woman, Kayla Silverfox, to whom he had been truthful about his past and abilities. Despite the peace he felt, Logan was still pledged by nightmares of the wars and of the atrocities he had committed in the name of freedom, often shredding his bed sheets with his claws, once even scratching Kayla in his sleep. One night, Kayla told Logan about the legend of the Moon and her lover, the Wolverine, and how the latest had been tricked to stay in the world of the Living by the Trickster and how lonely both of them were now, the Wolverine often howling to the Moon at night. A few days after that night, Logan was working when he received the visit of Stryker. Not entirely surprised the man found him, he declined the colonel’s offer to come back to help the team to find the one that was now killing his team mates, saying that he already had a job. When Stryker tried to play on his patriotic feelings, Logan simply replied that he was Canadian, making it clear that he wouldn’t work for the man ever again. The following day, Logan picked up Victor scent in the woods and rushed to find his girlfriend, afraid his brother would do anything to her. His fears were founded as the older one killed Kayla, shrugging it off as his way to get Logan’s attention when the younger sibling asked for the reason of the killing. Of course, a battle between the brothers ensued and Victor quickly gained the upper hand as Logan clearly struggled to keep away from his animal side. Surprisingly, Victor let him live after the fight.

Logan was quickly transported to the hospital, where he woke up, completely healed and scaring the hell out of the hospital staff. Stryker was of course there to offer his apologies about Kayla and to tell Logan how he never knew that it was Victor that was killing the old Team X. The colonel offered the younger sibling the tools to fight Creed and Logan agreed, at the only condition that there would be no honour, no code of conduct. That he would be coming for blood and who the hell didn’t want to be caught in the fight had to get away from his path. They went to the Alkali Lake Base, an underground facility where Stryker had started his research on mutants. The officer explained to Logan that they would fuse adamantium, the hardest metal known to Earth, to his bone structure, making him nearly indestructible. When the procedure was about to start, Stryker offered Logan his old army dog tags, the ones that he had thrown away after the incident in Africa. The man told him that he wanted new ones, ones that would say ‘Logan’ and ‘Wolverine’. The procedure was soon started and the mutant lived through the hardest pain he had ever endured. The feeling was so intense that it caused his heart to fail. But as Stryker told the staff to make sure he never remembered his old life, Logan heard him and came back to life, breaking free of his restrains in the binding tank. Giving in to his instincts, he went berserk in the base after getting shot at by the personal (and his ex-team mate, Agent Zero). He fled the scene naked! yummy! and found refuge in a barn. The owners of the land found him and offered him clothes and a warm meal, as well as a place to sleep. But the next day, Logan was found out and the retrieval unit killed the nice elderly couple that harboured him. Enraged, Wolverine killed the unit and warned Stryker that he was coming for him as well.

In order to locate Stryker and Victor, Logan visited his old friends and surviving team mates. He learned that his brother and the colonel had always worked together and that he had just been played to accept the adamantium skeleton fusion. Logan also learned that after he left Team X, their mission became to hunt down and capture mutants like them, to ship them off to a research facility. The facility’s location was only known to Stryker and Victor, but Logan succeeded in making his old team tell him that one mutant ever escaped from there.

Logan tracked the mutant to New Orlean and showed up to ask him to point him in the right direction of the ‘Island’. But the mutant, Gambit, was reticent to tell him, as he didn’t want to have to go back there. With what appeared to be the flick of his wrist, he sent Wolvie flying off his back out of the bar where they had met. Once in the alley, the fight with the newly met mutant was forgotten to Logan as he saw his brother leaning over the body of an old team mate. He fought with Victor, clearly showing how the adamantium skeleton gave him the edge to win the fight. But as he was about to deliver the finishing blow, Gambit interrupted them and Wolvie had to fight the young man while Creed escaped. But after a moment, Logan was able to convince Gambit to bring him to the ‘Island’ facility, so that he can kill his brother and Stryker.

The duo flew to the location of the research facility, revealed to be Three Mile Island, a closed down nuclear reactor. Hidden in perfect view of the public, since no one would dare come closer to the reactors, in fear being turned into freaks, ironically. When they closed in on the facility, Logan jumped out of the airplane and made his way to the labs where he found Stryker working on an ultimate weapon against mutants: a mutant within whom he combined a set of powers that could work together. Of course, Stryker revealed that Logan’s mutation had been the key for the experiment’s success and that he had to set him up to get him to give out some DNA and see if he could survive the fusion of adamantium to his bones. The colonel told him about how he had always been under surveillance, revealing a very much alive Kayla. It turned out that she was a mutant as well and her power was to hypnotize people by touching them. Kayla told Logan that it was never real, what they lived together. But Wolverine answered to her that it was real for him, but that if he had not ignore his instincts, if he had given in to the animal inside of him, he would have been able to smell her deceit. But he wanted to be human and it cost him his heart. Feeling deeply betrayed, Logan walked away, not bothering to kill Stryker or to stop him from completing his ultimate mutant killer.

But then Victor appeared and asked the colonel to give him the adamantium skeleton as promised for bringing Logan to Stryker. The officer refused the older brother and in his rage he turned and attacked Kayla. Wolverine heard her screams and came back to the lab, claws out and ready to face his nemesis. The battle was ruthless and yet again Logan gained the upper hand. As he hesitated to kill his brother, Kayla reminded him how he wasn’t an animal, how he never needed to be one. He let his unconscious brother drop to the floor and listened to Kayla explaining that she had no choice, that she did what she had to do to protect her baby sister, whom Stryker had imprisoned. As they both started to flee the facility, the young woman asked Logan to free her sister and he complied, breaking out all the mutants form their cells. But they were then joined by Deadpool, Stryker’s completed mutant killer. Logan urged the kids to escape as he tried to delay Deadpool.

They ended up fighting on the ledge of one of the cooling towers of the nuclear reactors. Wolverine was losing the battle until his brother joined in. Together, they fought like they used to when they fought in the wars and were able to overcome Deadpool. As they watched the mutant falling to his doom, Victor commented on how no one but him would get to kill Logan. They split up and Logan found a mortally injured Kayla amongst the ruins of the fallen cooling tower. He picked her up, coaxing her not to leave him again when he was shot in the back by Stryker. He tried to get to the colonel despite being shot at several times, but he couldn’t: the bullets were made out of adamantium, the only metal that can penetrate his skull. The colonel shot him twice in the head in hope that the scarring tissue would permanently damage his memories. But Logan was transported to the world of Somarium before he could wake up on Three Mile Island.


Most people’s first impression of Logan is that he’s an angry, grumpy, cynical man. Though he is often depicted as a loner, he can function well in society, passing as a gruff man. Despite his many years serving in different armies, he has difficulties with figures of authority and often rebels against them. Still, in battle, he is a reliable ally and can easily play the role of the leader.

Even if he thinks that he has often become an animal during his long life, Logan has a very cut clear sense of morality and justice; he always try to use his powers for the help of the weak and unprotected. This need to protect has often put him in situations where he made naïve decisions (working for Stryker to help for the greater good is one of those) but can easily recognize when his actions or those of his team mates are going against his sense of justice and he is prone to take actions to stop evil. However, years of seeing evil doings by mankind has made him jaded towards them, trusting very few of them, in favour of mutants like him.

When fighting, he tends to rely heavily on his instincts, turning to that animal side of his. Though he can kill easily, he admits to not liking it. He is a reckless man, most probably due to the fact that he can’t be killed, and goes on to a battle head on with no strategy or what-so-ever. He is also an impulsive man, often jumping into the action first and ask questions later.

Despite his short temper and tendencies to pick up fights easily, Logan has somewhat a good sense of humour, if only a dry one. He also shows abilities to connect to children and teenagers, even if he says that he hates kids, and can take on the role of mentor or father figure for some troubled ones. Underneath the grumpy exterior, there’s a layer of great tenderness and the willingness to care for others, probably coming from the fact that he lost his parents when he was a young boy still. It’s just hidden very deep inside of him, though women and kids tend to bring that side of him more easily. His long term relationship with Kayla Silverfox shows how he can relate to others, how he is eager to put his disturbing past behind him, to believe that he is more human than what he used to think. His pain is genuine when she lies to let him believe that it was never real for her, showing how he has the ability to love and to be hurt by those he trusts. His quest for vengeance after his brother killed his lover is another example of how his emotions tends to rule his actions. There’s nothing fake with him and with how he reacts to what happens around him. He rarely hides his true feelings and thoughts (his open courtship of Jean Grey despite her being with Scott Summers in the later movies is a good example of that).


Logan’s primary power is called ‘the mutant healing factor’. It allows him to heal any kinds of injuries (the minor it is, the quicker it gets healed) as well as poisons, diseases and toxins (though he would feel the immediate effects of those substances). This healing ability was what allowed him to survive the procedure that fused adamantium metal to his bone structure on the molecular level. It covered every inches of his skeleton, including his skull and facial bones (don’t get headbutted by him. It’ll hurt like a bitch). That procedure made him virtually indestructible, the only metal that can hurt him is adamantium as well. His healing abilities does not stop him from feeling the pain of his injuries and like any other sane person, he rather hates that part of his abilities. The adamantium skeleton weights him down, adding force to blow he delivers, but also slowing him down in water as well as making him more vulnerable to electrical and magnetic attacks.

One other ability of him is that he can grow out bone claws from in between his knuckles (three in each fist). They were also covered in adamantium during the creation of Weapon X (now called Wolverine) and they can cut through anything. As his fists don’t have natural opening for his claws (like any animals), the claws pierce his skin each time he draws them out. He mentioned once on how he can feel the intense pain when they come out.

More so, Logan possesses super-human strengths that what hypothesized to come from the exertion his muscles must put through to counter off the weight of the adamantium in his body. A second-handed effect of his healing abilities is Wolverine’s seemingly endless stamina, since his muscles are always healing themselves over.

He also has heightened senses (smell, hearing and sight). He can sniff and recognize human emotions and when he concentrates enough, he becomes a reliable human lie detector, being able to smell fear and hear the faintest change in the beat of the heart. He can hear sounds from across rooms and thick walls and he has perfect vision in long distance and in near darkness. All those heightened senses combined has given Wolvie shorter reaction time than most hand-to-hand fighters.

Due to his military training, Logan is proficient with most types of firearms and hand-to-hand combat (which stays his favourite form of fighting).

[Affection] Logan just lost the woman he’s been with for the past couple months/years so he might be a bit reticent to develop a new relationship. But if you’re able to coax him out and heal his broken heart, you’re probably in for a very very wild ride. Logan is also extremely loyal to his friends, but tends to trust mutants more than humans, but if you give him a good reason to believe in you, he can be a good friend

[Fighting] Wolverine is never going to turn down a fight, but keep in mind that he spent all his life fighting and that he can heal pretty fast from injuries. Unless you can cut his head off, it’s impossible to kill him (unless you’re the Overlord), but he can be injured and can fall unconscious if his healing abilities are altered by toxins and poisons or if his injuries are too much to be healed quickly.

[Other Facts] He likes to smoke and chew on cheap cigars XD

ooc, profile meme

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