Title: A Better Kiss Fandom: Bandslash Pairing: Brendon/Jon Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 1,951 Summary: It was like fate or something. Notes: This one's for bluestargirl6 who is made of awesome. So is chopsticknoodle who did the beta.
This may be my favorite/the BEST Brendon/Jon fic I have ever read.
You're amazing, babe. Seriously, there aren't even words.
Quotes! Because I can, and I held out just for this [or, I tried to hold out. Whatever]
“I want to,” he said softly. He could hear Ryan chuckling from across the room, but ignored him in favor of watching Jon’s eyes.
“Me too,” Jon said. He sighed and leaned forward, pressing his lips gently against Brendon’s, more of a peck than an actual kiss. “Which is why we shouldn’t.”
That broke me, because Jon Walker should not be denying himself things. Especially if those things involve Mouse. Especially if they involve this particular incarnation of Mouse, who is sweet and funny, and just a little pushy but in the very best way.
“I’m good at wearing people down,” Brendon tells him honestly. Then he holds out the last Post-it, a hot pink one with green sparkly writing that has I’m serious about this, even if my methods aren’t written on it. Jon spends forever looking down at it
( ... )
Also this -- Part of what Brendon loves - yeah, loves - about Jon is his ability to handle every situation without freaking out or even questioning it. -- is completely and totally Jon in my head. You = awesome.
brendon is so persistant :) about Jon is his ability to handle every situation without freaking out or even questioning it best line ever. and what makes jon. i'm glad jon gave in. i heart jon walker and you :)
Heee! I loved this. It was adorable and sweet and oh Brendon! And also, oh Jon! (plus Spencer and Ryan amused me even though they weren't in it much) Awesome job! :D
Comments 98
This may be my favorite/the BEST Brendon/Jon fic I have ever read.
You're amazing, babe. Seriously, there aren't even words.
Quotes! Because I can, and I held out just for this [or, I tried to hold out. Whatever]
“I want to,” he said softly. He could hear Ryan chuckling from across the room, but ignored him in favor of watching Jon’s eyes.
“Me too,” Jon said. He sighed and leaned forward, pressing his lips gently against Brendon’s, more of a peck than an actual kiss. “Which is why we shouldn’t.”
That broke me, because Jon Walker should not be denying himself things. Especially if those things involve Mouse. Especially if they involve this particular incarnation of Mouse, who is sweet and funny, and just a little pushy but in the very best way.
“I’m good at wearing people down,” Brendon tells him honestly. Then he holds out the last Post-it, a hot pink one with green sparkly writing that has I’m serious about this, even if my methods aren’t written on it. Jon spends forever looking down at it ( ... )
Man. You are so kind to me. heh.
Jon should learn that it's impossible to resist Brendon. He's this force of adorableness and glee and that makes people do whatever he wants.
THANK YOU! I'm so glad you liked it. I might love these two together nearly as much as I love Brendon/Spencer. Maybe. Probably.
Oh, I love this so hard. Brendon tries SO HARD.
Also this -- Part of what Brendon loves - yeah, loves - about Jon is his ability to handle every situation without freaking out or even questioning it. -- is completely and totally Jon in my head. You = awesome.
Brendon Urie might be the best boy ever. Or next to Spencer Smith.
You = Awesome, too :D
about Jon is his ability to handle every situation without freaking out or even questioning it best line ever. and what makes jon.
i'm glad jon gave in.
i heart jon walker and you :)
*add to memories*
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