CW RPF: Jeffrey Dean Morgan/Alyson Hannigan, NC-17

Oct 09, 2006 00:21

Title: Come to Papa
Fandom: CW RPS
Pairing: Jeffrey Dean Morgan/Alyson Hannigan
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,940
Summary: Alyson is over Mike, and ready for someone more mature.
Notes: This is set in my Love Shack 'verse. Thanks to neroli66 for the amazing beta job!

Just a couple pics to show you what I had in mind when I wrote this:

“I don’t even feel that bad about it,” Alyson said as she looked into her glass. When had the ice cubes overtaken the vodka and coke? She peered into his, thought for a second, and then reached in and snagged an ice cube. She stuck it into her mouth before continuing. “I mean, it was over for awhile now. I think we were just staying together because we’re such good friends. He took it well, too. I am the best ex-girlfriend ever!”

“Yes you are,” Jensen replied with a smirk. He signaled the bartender and downed the rest of his beer. “Mike’s doing fine. Trust me, you didn’t break his heart.”

“Then why did we have to go out drinking?” Alyson asked, accidentally spitting the ice cube back into the cup. Her eyes widened as she looked into the glass again, then let Jensen take it from her hands and set it on the bar. “I’m not even sad about it!” she said with a clap of her hands.

“I know, but do we really need an excuse to go drinking? Plus, I wanted you to see this place. Chris and Steve have been working here for awhile, and they’re gonna start playing gigs. Chris said something about being the new house band,” Jensen took his beer from the bartender, nodding in thanks. Alyson didn’t pay any attention to him, since it obviously wasn’t Chris or Steve. She just took the drink he slid her way, not taking her eyes off Jensen.

“Well, the drinks are good!” she said, bringing the straw up to her lips. She took a gulp, closing her eyes in pleasure as the sweet burn of vodka slid down her throat. “Damn good,” she said, opening her eyes to grin at Jensen.

“So what made you finally break up with Mike?” Jensen asked, tapping his pint lightly against the side of her glass.

“Well, he wasn’t with me half the time, you know? It’s like he was there, and I was there, but neither of us were really there at all. Sex was just another level that our friendship didn’t need. Plus, there’s only so many times you can let a man stick it in your ass before you start to wonder,” she laughed and downed a sizable portion of her drink. Then her head snapped up, and she sought out the source of the dry chuckle she heard coming from across the bar.

The bartender was grinning and giving her a slow, raw chuckle that sent shivers through her body. He was older, but in a damn hot kind of way. His dark hair and smoky eyes fit in well with the bar, as did his salt-and-peppered beard. God, he was fucking gorgeous in a way that Mike never could have pulled off. Mike was a flirty, pretty kind of gorgeous, but this man was big, tough, and really fucking sexy. Alyson nearly choked on her drink, and Jensen slapped her hard on the back.

“I’m not really a slut!” she cried out, clapping a hand over her mouth as soon as the words escaped. The man smirked at her and wandered closer.

“Don’t mind if you are, honey,” he drawled out, slow and gruff. Alyson nearly came when he winked at her and sauntered towards the other end of the bar.

“Someone’s got a crush!” Jensen said in a sing-song voice, leaning right against her ear.

“Oh fuck off,” she snapped back, not able to drag her gaze away from the rounded ass of the bartender. “Does he come with a name?”

“Yeah, Jeff. Jeff Morgan,” Jensen said. “You don’t want to do that.”

“Why not?” Alyson asked, spinning in her stool to face him.

“He’s not the type to settle down. A real drifter. Plus, I haven’t heard of anyone actually managing to hook up with him for some time now. Don’t know what the deal is,” Jensen said, taking another swig of his beer.

“Well, you better damn well find out, because I aim to have that,” Alyson said as she pointed down the bar. “And I’m the kind of girl who gets what she wants. I think we found our new regular spot.” She smirked at Jensen, who shook his head and finished his beer.

“Whatever, Chris and Steve expect me to be here anyway. You’re welcome to tag along.” He threw some money on the bar and gathered up his coat. “Let’s get you home, honey.” He wiggled his eyebrows at the pet name Jeff had called her, and Alyson reached out and slapped him lightly on the arm.

“Oh, I’ll tag along all right,” she said as she grabbed her jacket. She looked over her shoulder as they left the bar, pleased to see Jeff watching them leave. It was good to have goals, especially if they included dumping one of your best friends and then going after someone a bit more mature. She hummed all the way home, much to Jensen’s annoyance.


Alyson took one look around the table, noticing that Mike was trying to hold hands with Tom beneath it. She smiled at Tom, wondering when the boy would get the fact that she really didn’t care. Hell, she would be relieved once Mike settled down with someone she liked and stopped moaning about his partner-free love life. Jensen looked lost in the music, his fingers tapping along to the song and his lips moving with the lyrics. She had a fleeting thought that maybe he’d be asked on stage again, smiling at the memory of his protests the last time they’d hit up Rattlesnake Smile.

“I’ll get us another round,” she said, not bothering to wait for any kind of response. Since Chris and Steve were on stage with the rest of their band, Jeff was manning the bar himself. She adjusted the straps on her tank top and plumped her breast a little before heading towards the bar. This time she was prepared for him, not caught off guard by his roguish smile like before.

“Evening, honey,” he said as she sat down on an empty stool. The majority of the bar’s patrons had moved towards the stage, and she was one of few sitting at the bar. She sent him a smile, thankful he seemed to remember her from earlier. Maybe he just called everyone honey, but she hoped she was special.

“Hey,” she said, leaning forward on the bar. She mentally cheered when he gave an appreciative glance at her cleavage, knowing she looked damn hot in the dark green tank top.

“What’re you drinking?” he asked, absentmindedly wiping at the bar with a towel. She pursed her lips and cast her eyes over the long line of bottles behind him before settling on her usual. After a few more visits, hopefully he wouldn’t have to ask anymore. She smiled at the thought before ordering.

“Vanilla vodka and diet Coke,” she said, licking her lips. “Oh! And a Molson for Jensen.” She motioned towards their table in the corner, and saw that no one had even noticed she was gone. Jensen was too wrapped up in the music, and Mike and Tom were equally wrapped up in each other.

“Boyfriend Jensen?” Jeff asked while he poured two counts of vodka into her cup and filled the rest with Coke. The muscles in his forearm tightened as he pushed the button for the soda, and Alyson had to force herself to pay attention to his words. God, he had a sexy voice, all rough and edged with sex and danger.

“God no,” she replied with a giggle. Jeff quirked an eyebrow at this and tossed a cherry into her drink before handing it to her. He grabbed a pint and started drawing a beer for Jensen, never breaking eye contact with her. “Just a friend; same goes for the other clowns over there,” she said with a vague wave in the direction of her table.

“Got your sights set on anyone in particular?” Jeff asked as he slid the beer across the bar. Alyson slapped some money down and took the opportunity to check out his round, delicious looking ass while he rang her up.

“Starting to,” she said with a smirk. She popped the cherry into her mouth, stem and all, and tucked her change into her pocket. Then she pulled the stem out and set it on the bar, a perfect knot tied in the center of it. She wiggled her eyebrows when Jeff shot her a quizzical look, picked up her drinks, and made sure to shimmy a bit on the way back to her table.

“Morgan seems to be quite taken with you,” Jensen said as she slid in next to him. “Thanks.” He picked up his pint and took a sip, eyes closing in pleasure as he swallowed it down.

“Good,” Alyson said, fighting every urge she had to turn around and look at the bar.

“Aly! Are you replacing me? Oh, my heart…it hurts!” Mike said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Tom tried to move away from him, but Mike slung an arm around his neck, holding him close.

“At least you haven’t already been replaced,” Alyson told Mike, holding out her glass towards Tom. “To replacements,” she said, clinking her drink against Mike’s. Tom giggled; a sound that only seemed to make Mike more enamored with him. They were damn near cuddling in the bar, though Alyson knew Tom hadn’t given in to Mike’s advances yet. That boy was too pure for his own good. She shook her head and sipped her drink. Mike would get his boy eventually, and if she had her way, she’d get hers too. Soon.


The bell above the door chimed, and Alyson looked up to see Jeff swaggering into the store. She sent him a smile and batted at Tom’s knee behind the counter. “I’ll be restocking,” he said with a giggle. Alyson watched as he bounced towards the action section with an armful of returned videos, and yeah, she could see what Mike saw in him. He really was kinda cute, but far too innocent for her, and the giggle would get annoying after awhile. She turned her attention to the man walking up to her and smirked. Now that was something she’s never get sick of. Jeff had a way of walking - well of doing anything, really - that just oozed sex. Even his smile was suggesting things like bed and now.

“Can I help you, sir?” Alyson asked, accenting the last word.

“No thanks, honey,” Jeff said with a smirk. Alyson smiled wider at the nickname, wondering why she didn’t find it annoying like she should have. “Not really in the mood for movies. Had a little hankering for something sweet, though.” He leaned on the counter, the palms of his hands spread out and his forearms tensing. The bracelets and watch on his wrist stood out against the red countertop, and every ring on his fingers glistened in the fluorescent lighting. Alyson noted the lack of a wedding band, even though she’d known he was single. It didn’t hurt to double check.

Alyson licked her lips and had to forcibly drag her eyes back to his face. His look told her that he noticed her ogling, and she actually felt herself blushing. Alyson Hannigan did not blush. Jeffrey Dean Morgan was certainly a force to be reckoned with.

“Anything I can help you with?” she asked, ignoring the heat on her cheeks and bending forward, hoping he could see something through the open neckline of her uniform polo shirt.

“Actually, yeah,” he told her. She shivered, suddenly nervous as his hands dipped below his side of the counter. She could hear the chain on his wallet jingle, and wondered what the hell he was doing. If it involved taking off his pants, she was going to have to send Welling home for the rest of the day. Then he held up a box of Milk Duds and rattled them at her. “I’ve got a hell of a sweet tooth,” he said, a grin slowly spreading across his face. He set the box on the counter and reached for his wallet.

“Oh look,” Alyson said as she picked up the box. “They’re already open. On the house.” She ripped open the corner of the box and shook one into her hand. Popping the candy into her mouth, she smiled and winked at Jeff.

“Thanks, honey,” he said as he took the box back. He gestured with it and continued, “Next time you come by, your first drink is on the house. I’ll be seeing you!” He poured a few milk duds into his mouth and waved goodbye at her. Alyson stared at his ass, watching his hips sway as he left the store.

“See you soon!” she called out as he walked through the door.

“I thought Jensen was exaggerating this little crush of yours,” Tom said, suddenly standing beside her. Alyson shook her head and watched Jeff pull out of the parking lot. Those big glass walls came in handy sometimes.

“Not as bad as your thing for Mikey,” she teased, reaching over to ruffle Tom’s hair. He turned an adorable shade of crimson and ducked his head. “It’s ok, you know. I think you’d be cute together.” When he didn’t respond, she laughed and grabbed a handful of videos. Shelving them would give her plenty of time to think about a certain pair of dark chocolate eyes and that sarcastic smirk.


“We shouldn’t keep meeting like this.” Alyson looked up and saw Jeff leering down at her. She sat up a little straighter and stirred her drink with its little red plastic straw.

“I don’t mind. Just starting to get used to it, actually,” she replied with a slow smile. She brought the straw up to her lips, watching as Jeff’s gaze followed it. Feeling bold, she twirled her tongue around it before slipping it past her lips. If his soft groan was any indication, he was interested in what she had to offer.

“You look good tonight, honey,” Jeff said slowly, dragging out the syllables. Alyson could spend hours listening to his voice, every word dripping with innuendo and the slight hint of sex.

“Thanks,” Alyson said, taking another gulp of her drink. “You’re not too shabby yourself.” He was, in fact, looking pretty damn edible. The red shirt clung to his broad shoulders in all the right places and stood out in the darkened room. She couldn’t stop looking at his hands, though, watching every muscle flex and loving the way his rings glinted in the soft lighting. Alyson was pretty sure she wanted to suck on his fingers, and had to bite down on her lip to keep from telling him that.

“All by your lonesome?” he asked, taking her empty glass out of her hand. Alyson’s fingers burned where his skin touched hers, sending shivers down her spine.

“Yeah, I left the gang at home. Just wanted to unwind,” she said, watching him make her another drink. She reached for her wallet, but he put a hand on her arm to stop her.

“I told you the next one was on the house,” he said, rubbing his thumb in circles over her bare skin. “Drink up and we’ll take a spin around the dance floor.” He winked at her before walking down to the other end of the bar; no doubt smooth talking the other patrons lined up and down the long oak bar. Alyson didn’t care though, because her arm was still tingling from his ministrations. She sipped at her drink, loving how he remembered her vanilla vodka and diet Coke. She watched him work, the muscles in his shoulders straining as he wiped down the bar and fixed drinks. Then he motioned towards Chris to take over and sauntered back over to her.

“Ready?” he asked, pointing at her glass. Alyson took out the straw and downed the rest of it, smirking back at him.

“Oh yeah,” she said. She waited for him to slide out from around the bar, taking the time to appreciate the smooth, fox-like way he moved. His movements were so full of sex and grace that it was almost too much for her to take it.

“Good song,” he said, grabbed her hand and dragging her towards the dance floor. It was half full, other couples swaying along with the loud music that flowed from the speakers. Alyson recognized the song and grinned?. Come to Papa, indeed she thought as they weaved through the crowd.

Jeff didn’t waste any time, just spun Alyson around and pulled her against him, sliding a thigh between her legs. Alyson molded her body against his, wrapping her arms around his neck and tucking her head against his shoulder. His large hands were hovering between her ass and her lower back, and she silently urged them further south. She quickly found the beat, rocking against him in time with Bob Seger’s voice.

The room heated up, fire coursing through her body as Jeff swayed along with her. Alyson could feel the press of his erection against her stomach and ground into it as she rode his thigh. Jeff let out a low moan and trailed his hands over her ass and down to her thighs. His fingers flirted with the hem of her skirt before pushing at the denim, hiking her skirt up and revealing her milky skin. He kept it just shy of obscene, his calloused fingers tracing patterns on her skin. She whimpered against his collar bone and pressed her body tighter against his.

“If you need a pacifier, call me anytime. I’ll try to be your satisfier,” Jeff sang, his voice low and gravelly in Alyson’s ear, his breath fanning against her neck. She moaned, soft and gaspy against his shoulder and ran her hands down his back. Pushing at the fabric of his t-shirt, she slid her hands up his back, digging her nails into the hard flesh of his lower back. Jeff moaned, a strangled sound that shook his chest against hers, and bit down on her earlobe, sucking it into his mouth. Alyson raked her nails across his skin, reveling in the way it made him buck up against her.

Jeff’s hands left the soft skin of her thighs, traveled up her sides, and lightly brushed against her breasts before stopping to rest on her shoulders. Alyson shivered; her entire body lighting up under his touch. She turned her head when he tugged at her, meeting him halfway to crush her lips against his. Her beard felt rough against her cheek, but his lips were soft and so damn inviting. He licked over her lips before delving his tongue inside her mouth, lapping at the traces of vodka and coke. Jeff tasted like mint and a hint of whiskey, a heady combination that clouded Alyson’s mind.

She ground down on his thigh, blatantly rocking against the hardness in his jeans as she moaned into the kiss. His hands held her there, one thumb coming up to caress her cheek. Alyson’s body was melting against him, a familiar tingle spreading across her groin as she sucked his tongue into her mouth.

They broke apart when the song ended, Jeff tugging roughly on her lower lip before breaking the kiss. He ran his thumb over her mouth, and Alyson’s tongue darted out to taste the saltiness of his skin. Jeff smirked at her and ran his hands over her sides, smoothing the denim of her skirt back into place. “Thanks for the dance,” he said, winking at her before heading back towards the bar.

Alyson could only whimper, her body not ready to move yet, let alone let go of him. Her hands ached to feel his skin, her mouth burning for his. She watched as he left the room, climbing up a set of stairs by the back of the bar. Jensen had mentioned him living upstairs, but she hadn’t paid much attention to it at the time. She hurried back to the bar and snatched up her jacket before turning to leave. God, he was infuriating.

“Nice show,” Chris drawled out, catching her eyes as she tried to leave.

“Oh fuck off,” Alyson mumbled, feeling her cheeks heat up as she walked out of the bar. Jeff didn’t know it yet, but he was in trouble. Alyson was going to get him, lay him out on her bed like a fucking feast, and damned if she wasn’t going to keep him.


Alyson clasped her hands together, nearly on her tip-toes trying to get them around Jared’s neck. Maybe using him to make Jeff jealous wasn’t the best idea in the world, but hopefully it would work. Her eyes drifted to Mike and Tom, grinning at each other near the karaoke machine. She thought back to the party where’d they’d hooked up, smiling as she remembered Mike kicking everyone out of his house as soon as he realized Tom was interested. They were cute together, but she was looking out for her own needs tonight. Well, she hoped she’d help Jared out a little, too.

She held a hand up in the air, waving it around as she moved her hips against Jared’s. He seemed so out of it, but moved with the beat well, so she left him drift. She swayed to the beat, eyes closed and panting softly, when all of a sudden Jared tensed up and stopped dancing. She heard a gruff, “I’m cutting in,” and opened her eyes, meeting Jeff’s steely gaze. She all but pushed Jared out of the way and pulled Jeff towards her, pressing up against his body as the song changed.

“Took you long enough,” she whispered against his ear as he turned her around, maneuvering her ass against his groin. Adam Ant sang for her to start getting physical, and that was something Alyson could go with. She reached around and ran her hands over Jeff’s thighs, her fingers scratching along the soft denim.

“You trying to make me jealous?” Jeff asked in her ear, his breath hot against her skin. He grabbed her hips with his hands, holding her tightly as he ground against her ass. Alyson moaned when she felt the hard press of his erection against her back and pushed back against him.

“Maybe,” she said; her voice breathy and soft.

“Gonna take you home and fuck you,” Jeff growled. He slid his hands up her sides, cupping her breasts as he thrust his hips into her ass. She let out a whimper, melting back against him as he pinched her nipples through her shirt. He bit down on the side of her neck, teeth dragging across the pale skin. “Let’s go,” he said; his voice raw and harsh. Alyson could only nod; her knees weak as he pulled her through the crowded house and out of the party.

The ride back to the Rattlesnake Smile was a blur. Alyson remembered the street lights flying by as she held onto Jeff’s hand, something sexy and southern playing on the radio. He stroked her hand all the way back to his place, only letting go to jump out of the truck. Alyson could barely get out of the truck,but thankfully Jeff put his hands on her hips and lifted her out of it. He wrapped an arm around her waist, guiding her into the bar and up the steps to his apartment. She got a quick look around the small studio apartment, noticing a few Johnny Cash posters, before he slammed her against the wall, lips claiming hers again.

She fell into him, bones turning to molten fire as he moved his mouth against hers. His beard rubbed at her chin, and she knew she’d have beard burn the next day, but that only made it hotter. She cupped his face in her hands, clinging to him as he tore her apart. Rocking his hips against hers, Jeff thrust his tongue into her mouth. Alyson moaned and clenched her fingers into the thin material of his t-shirt. He pulled back and smirked at her, and she had a chance to make a move.

Alyson spun them around, using surprise rather than strength, and dropped to her knees before Jeff could complain. She pushed his shirt up and kissed his abdomen, tonguing his belly button before working on his belt. She got it undone and quickly yanked his zipper down, rubbing her cheek against the hardness in his boxers before tugging his jeans down over his hips. She hooked her fingers in the elastic of his boxers, grinned up at him, and pushed them down.

“Alyson,” he muttered; voice rough and husky as he stared down at her.

She took him in her hand and licked a swipe up the length of his cock, lapping at the head before taking it in her mouth. Swirling her tongue, she locked eyes with Jeff and slid down, slowly taking him in. Jeff cautiously threaded his fingers in her hair, giving her time to push him away if she wanted to. Alyson just swallowed more of him, slurping away as his hands tangled in her hair.

She bobbed her head, pumping the shaft with one hand while her other smoothed across the taut skin of his abs. Jeff bucked his hips, causing her to pull back before sliding back down. She hollowed her cheeks and sucked, loving the hard, heavy weight of him on her tongue. Then Jeff was grunting and tugging at her, pulling her off his dick with an obscene wet pop. Alyson quirked an eyebrow at him, and he just smirked back at her.

“Gonna be buried inside of you when I come,” he said as he tugged her up, crushing his mouth against hers. He wasn’t shy, licking traces of himself out of her mouth as he picked her up and settled her weight against him. Alyson wrapped her legs around his waist, letting him hold her up by her ass. Jeff maneuvered them towards the bed, nibbling on Alyson’s lower lip as they crossed the room. He tossed her onto the bed before tugging his shirt over his head.

Alyson pulled her own off, barely able to move her limbs as she took in the sight before her. God, he was so fucking hot she could hardly stand it. His chest was hairy and muscled, leading down to perfect abs and a neatly trimmed treasure trail. She slid out of her jeans, leaving her in the black bra and panties, and watched as he grabbed a condom out of is bedside drawer, kicked out of his own jeans, and crawled onto the bed, pushing her back against the mattress.

He covered her body with his own, hands and mouth everywhere at once. All she could do was whimper and writhe beneath his touch, arching into his hands when they cupped her breasts. His fingers sent electricity through her core, skin coming alive beneath his hands.

Pushing the material of her bra aside, Jeff took a nipple into his mouth, sucking lightly before nipping at the bud. Alyson ran her hands over his head, barely able to keep her eyes open, but needing to see him. She held him steady, tugging lightly at his hair, tangling her fingers in the soft strands as he tasted her. He sucked at her other nipple, worrying it with his teeth before sliding further south, his mouth leaving a trail of wet kisses as he slid down.

Jeff traced his hands over her stomach, making her shiver as he outlined the soft curves of her body. His fingertips were calloused, rough from years of hard work, and that knowledge made them burn that much more. Every rough - yet so, so smooth - brush of his hands sent shudders through her, ending in tingles between her legs.

He tucked his fingers in the top of her panties and smirked at her as he slowly lowered them. His hands trailed down her legs, tugging the scrap of cloth down her thighs before tossing it somewhere behind him. Jeff cupped her calves in his hands, rubbing upwards, his skin so warm and hard against hers. Alyson shivered under his gaze, letting out a gasp as he slid between her legs.

The first touch of his tongue on her made Alyson scream hips bucking helplessly as he opened her up and licked slowly up the length of her sex. She moaned, clutching onto his shoulders as he lapped at her clit, hands holding her hips tight against the bed. His beard felt soft against her inner thighs, tickling a bit but so damn erotic that she nearly burst.

Jeff fucked her with his tongue, his nose brushing up against her clit as her entire body melted into his touch. She felt like she was tumbling, falling down and spinning in circles as he worked her open, tasting her as he flicked his tongue in and out of her. He moved back up, tonguing her clit as he slowly worked a finger inside of her.

His finger was thick inside her, stretching her walls as he slid a second one in. Jeff curved them, hooking them just right, brushing against that spot and making her cry out, rocking her hips down against his fingers. She fucked herself on his hand, shoving her body down, suddenly needed more of him, needing all of him. It took a few seconds to force her eyes open, to meet his fiery gaze, sinking into his eyes as he tore her apart.

Then she was barking orders at him, pleading for him to just fuck her already. “Need it...please,” Alyson groaned, pulling at his shoulders until he crawled up her body. Their mouths clashed together, and she could taste the tanginess of herself on his lips. She sucked on his tongue, licking her own juices out of his mouth, and rocked her hips against his, needing him to be inside her so damn badly.

“Gotta say it,” Jeff moaned against her mouth, pulling back just enough to grin down at her, to lock eyes as she trembled under him. Alyson shook her head, not sure words were an option, but he cupped her head in one hand and stroked his thumb over her lips, willing the words to come.

“Fuck me,” Alyson moaned, lost in the feeling of his leaking cock against the inside of her thigh. “Want you inside me…please,” she managed to choke out, shouting out a mental thank you to whatever god was listening when Jeff knelt up and scrambled for the condom, tearing it open and sliding it down his length. She could only stare up at him, take in the miles of lean muscles and tanned skin as he prepared himself.

Alyson spread her thighs, wrapping her shaky legs around the small of Jeff’s back as he slid into her, filling her in one quick thrust. She was so ready though, so damn wet and open and needy beneath him. He started slowly, a gentle rocking before she got her breath back. Then he started to pound into her, his hands on either side of her head. Alyson started rambling, so many words flowing out of her mouth, but none of them making any sense.

Jeff bent down and kissed her, tugging at her swollen lips with his teeth as he moved in and out of her. She splayed her hands over his shoulders, feeling them flex as he rolled his hips. Panting, she leaned up, crushing their lips together again, delving into his mouth in an effort to express how she felt, how much she loved this, needed this.

He was everything she’d expected, and more than she’d ever imagined. Jeff was a force above her, thrusting into her, dragging soft, gaspy moans out of her lips. She raked her nails over his back, pulling him down, wanting to feel more of his weight on top of her. She’d never been this greedy, never needed to feel someone overtake her like she needed Jeff to. And he complied, knew every thought in her head before she did, rocking his hips and biting down on her neck as he sped up.

Neither one of them was going to last long, and that didn’t even matter. Alyson panted, unable to take her eyes off of Jeff’s, unable to break away from the sight of his eyes, so dark, pupils blown as he moved above her.

Jeff smirked down at her, all teeth and shark-like grace as he worked a hand between their bodies and started rubbing her clit. He twisted his fingers over her, not breaking his rhythm as he supported his weight on one hand. Alyson dug her fingers into his shoulder, knew there’d be marks there later on, and she didn’t care. A drop of sweat slipped over his cheekbone, and Alyson watched with wide eyes as it dropped, landing in a burst of wet heat against her collar bone.

Jeff licked his lips, let out a low growl, and Alyson lost it. Her body tensed up, arching her back as she came, writhing beneath Jeff. She tossed her head against the pillow, unable to hold it in as liquid heat shot through her veins, lighting up every inch if her skin. Alyson’s body tightened around him, clenching down as orgasm shook through her. Everything was too hot, too heavy, too full, and she exploded, lights flashing behind her eyelids as they slammed shut. Jeff continued massaging her, drawing out her orgasm as he slammed into her.

Alyson whimpered, riding it out, as Jeff thrust into her once, twice, three more times before hissing out her name and coming. His teeth bit into her neck as he bucked his hips, tugging at the tender, overly sensitive flesh. She could feel him inside her, even through the condom; feel each burst as he emptied himself inside of her. His muscles tensed up under her hands, body going rigid as he pumped in and out of her. With one final moan, he collapsed on top of her, breathing heavily into her ear.

“Christ,” he said, rolling to the side as he gathered his wits about him. Alyson turned with him, nuzzling against his sweat slicked chest, combing her fingers through his chest hair.

“Yeah,” she said, a breathy laugh escaping her lips. Jeff kissed the top of her head and reached down to remove and tie off the condom. It got tossed aside, and Alyson quickly debated whether she should stay or not. After all, Jensen had mentioned that Jeff didn’t like to get tied down. As if he’d sensed her worries, Jeff pulled her into his arms, rubbing his cheek against hers.

“Not going anywhere,” he mumbled; voice sleepy and worn out. Alyson took a bit of pride knowing that she’s made him this way, completely tired him out. Then she kissed him quickly on the lips before snuggling up beside him. At that moment, she had about as much of an idea of where this whole thing was going as she did about the location of her panties. It didn’t matter though, because she was hell bent on keeping Jeff, and Alyson always followed through. Plus, if the way he was clinging to her, even in sleep, was any indication, she’d be spending a lot more time in his embrace.

Bob Seger - Come to Poppa: The song playing when they dance at the Rattlesnake Smile. Enjoy!

love shack, cw rps, jeff/alyson

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