I know everyone hates these, but...

Jul 15, 2010 23:55

  • 11:03 I feel like I'm ridiculously dehydrated & got hit by a bus...typical day after #warped feelings. yay! #
  • 11:08 @ sarah_connors love it! Tried to do a #sabres one, but everything was about being disappointed by cupcakes. lol. #
  • 14:16 Ok, so everyone's #NHLcupcakes are making me smile on a ridiculously hectic day. keep it up guys! #
  • 14:20 The Tim Connolly cupcake: Overpriced, not as tasty as you thought, and guaranteed to crumble halfway through eating it #NHLcupcakes #
  • 14:20 @ tyynimeri Oh! Good one. Miller would make a delicious cupcake :D #
  • 14:21 @ sarah_connors Ovechkin song?!? #
  • 14:39 The Sabres cupcake: we keep eating it no matter how much it continues to disappoint #NHLCupcakes #
  • 17:29 @ kristimingo I think the Oilers & Sabres cupcakes are very similar, just sold in different bakeries! #NHLCupcakes #
  • 17:30 @ sic_spero @sarah_connors apparently 2 songs I haven't heard? Will look forward to hearing them! #
  • 17:30 I need to find some kind of workout that doesn't make my knees hurt. Apparently I'm fragile or something? ugh. #
  • 17:37 @ sic_spero russians? what's going on with the #caps I should know about? #
  • 18:58 @ ohnoscarlett or am getting old? I hear 25 is old now? lol #
  • 19:25 @ ohnoscarlett whatever MA'AM #
  • 19:40 Burnt my lentils & couscous. @capsfan91 would not be proud. oops! #
  • 19:59 @ JonesRG good call. #
  • 19:59 @ sic_spero I want a tiny baby Russian! Why don't the #sabres get any Russian? *pout* #
  • 20:02 I was supposed to be going to see Splice with Dawn tonight, but she didn't feel well. Sadness. #
  • 21:09 Put enough spices in something & you can't taste the burnt parts! Managed to salvage 5 meals out of the lentils & couscous #
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