I know everyone hates these, but...

Jul 11, 2010 23:55

  • 12:19 post gym debate: shower or pool? #
  • 13:02 The sunburn won out, no pool for me today. #
  • 19:17 @ thewrongshoes what am I up to next weekend? Family birthday party Saturday, not sure about after that. #
  • 19:42 So the geeks on #Bones are fun & quirky, but I still love me some Abby & McGee more :D #NCIS #
  • 20:32 Eriv Don Detten on #Bones? This show is making me recall how much I loved that stupid movie Brink when I was little. lol. #
  • 22:00 Oh, Lance Sweets...you are kind of fantastic. Jesus. Put a nerd on a show & I fall in love with him. lol. #Bones #KateHasLameSundays #
  • 23:21 Creepy stalker lady on #Bones just mentioned she had seasons to the #Caps games. Good thing I don't know any creeper #Caps fans ;) #
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