US Dollar Under Grave Threat: Russia Plans Global Retaliation For Ukraine

Jun 26, 2014 15:50

With the CIA-coordinated coup d’état executed in Kiev came the very real prospect of a World War III. However, the much greater war is not being waged on the urban battlefields of Eastern Ukraine or on the Russian border; rather, it’s being prosecuted in various national economies and by the world’s largest central and commercial banks, transnational corporations and market exchanges.  What is at stake is the very future and viability of the US Petrodollar as the reserve currency of the planet.

Apparently the US-UK-EU Axis planned this entire misguided venture in the Ukraine with the expectation that Russia would just go with the flow.  They also misjudged the degree to which the rest of the world would respond to the Anglo-American sponsored aggression in the Ukraine.  This gross error in judgement has not only seen the Crimea annexed by Russia, it has also triggered a globel backlash which now seriously threatens the US dollar.

How could the controllers in Washington (and NYC) and London have been so clueless as to the profound and pervasive repercussions, should their foolish scheme fall apart?  Did they not plan for the most consequential contingencies?  Whether they did or not, their whole fiasco in the Ukraine reveals a level of sheer desperation rarely seen in international affairs.  Especially one with such significant and seeping global impact.

The only reasons for the US and EU to incite the civil war in the Ukraine was to divert attention from their internal affairs, as well as throw a lifeline to the fast-sinking EU ship.  The US oil and gas companies also have a large stake in the energy markets, resources and conduits spread across the Ukrainian countryside.  However, it is the critically strategic geopolitical location and size of the Ukraine which made it an irresistible target for the Anglo-American Axis.

For more than two centuries the UK and US have sought to isolate Russia on the global geopolitical chessboard.  As the Russians move closer to the East Asian economic orbit and closely collaborate with China, a perceived threat appeared on the horizons of the Western powers.  These and other more clandestine reasons have compelled the Anglo-Amercian Axis to literally sign their own death warrant, such was the folly of angering the Russian bear.  In so doing they will also bring economic and/or financial ruin to their surrogates throughout the European Union and elsewhere.
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Экономика, ЕС, Геополитика, РФ, США

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