Jun 30, 2005 18:04
So, the job fair was pretty sparce. :\ I filled out an application with a restaurant and one for a factory (but they said there I would have to go to the factory and pass some sort of test before I would be considered for employment). Sheesh, what is with employers these days? I submitted my resume to another staffing place as well. One of Red's Three Skulls friends was running the Norwich Bulletin booth. I inquired with her about the graphic design job they were advertising and whether or not my certificate course would qualify me for that. She suggested I call them about an intern program, but I don't know if I want to do that and be all unemployed and stuff.
I applied for a bank teller job online. Today I went down to this factory that makes 'Mini Melts' Ice Cream. I guess they just bought the building and the original plant is in Florida. They haven't started production yet, the guy who talked to me about it said to call him back in two weeks because he would know more about exactly what jobs they were looking to fill.
Then I applied at another bank. I think this is like the hundreth job application I've submitted and I'm STILL unemployed. Haha.
My Dad didn't sell my bass after all so I am stuck paying for all of school out of my own pocket. But even if I don't get a job out of it, I wouldn't consider it a waste of money.. it's just that I'm SOOOO POOR right now and it looks like I'm not going to be landing any job hat makes more than minimum wage.
Now I'm waiting for Derry Lou to come get me. Long weekend. Have a good holiday, guys!