May 01, 2005 11:23
I went to the mall yesterday, and then we stopped at the sprint store. I found the perfect cell phone for me. Although it has no extra features like camera or video camera or anything. It's PINK!! Yeah i soooo want it, so this friday when i get paid i'm soo going to get it. I dont need a camera, or any of that, cause all i'm going to use it for is to make phone calls. It's 176.99 plus tax so about 190 dollars prob all together, but theres a mail in rebate where it only ends up costing you 20 bucks.
So ... i call my padre, no answer then my mom calls me to find out where i am and i told her about it and she said i have to wait until friday when i get paid. i dont know if i really need it though since my cell phone now is in good condition. I just want a pink phone. Also before i purchase it, i want to look at it. And see what the screen looks like and such. The only feature it has on it is speaker phone, and that will be useful when i'm driving. I dont know what i'm going to do yet. I'm not good with mail in rebates either. immm lazzzy when it comes to filling out paper work and getting it in the mail. Whooo Knows. But i really want it, cause it's pink.
I really don't use the camera on my phone i have now... i use it to make phone calls and for text messaging.
That is all. keep it real
oy with the poodles already!