a mighty hunter stalks the home office...

Jun 12, 2009 17:23

So this time of year, the pigeons hop around on my building's balconies. This has caused great excitement with Guapo, who spends many the morning running between the window in the office and the door leading out to the balcony to, essentially, bark at the pigeons. He considers this a joint enterprise when I am at the computer - it is my responsibility to keep lookout while he is snoozing on the floor and to alert him of avian invaders by hissing "Pidgies! PIDGIES!" (By the way, other than his name and "turkey," this is the only other word he understands, and he learned it instantly. He's smart when motivated, which is almost never.) At which point he runs and jumps on the ledge to chatter and stare and then tell me all about it once the birds fly away again.

Well, just now I came into the office to find Guapo hanging halfway out the cracked office window and looking to ooze out the rest of the way. Came closer and discovered that a pigeon couple had ensconced themselves in one of our crappy folding chairs and was having a nice nap. Guapo actually had his paw on one of their tails, was yapping his head off at me to stay back and the pigeons were still all "eh." They reluctantly hopped off the chair, but not off the balcony, as I hauled Guapo back in the office. I felt I owed them an apology for the disturbance.

Now I am being yelled for from the kitchen since I apparently owe Guapo turkey for disturbing his pigeon blind. The circle of life.
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