Words of Love - Prompt is Moon

Jul 21, 2009 14:31

Title: Words of Love
Pairing: Buffy/Spike
Summary: Buffy has issues.
Rating: G
Setting: Season Six
Word Count:100
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Joss Whedon,
               Mutant Enemy, and lots of others-sadly not to me.
Beta: None so all mistakes are mine


The light from the Moon flowed through the tiny crypt window.

Buffy watched him lying on top of the sarcophagus next to her.

How peaceful and young he looked in sleep.

She wished she had the words to tell him how she felt.

Spike never had a problem telling her his feelings.

Words seem to flow from him while they froze in her throat.

Every time she admitted that she loved a man, he left her.

Her father, Angel, Riley and even Giles left her.

“I love you, Spike” would never cross her lips.

No matter how true they were.

open_on_sunday, buffy/spike, btvs6, drabble

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