Fang Fetish Awards

Jul 06, 2009 13:41

I received notice today that my drabble,Tick Tock, Hear The Clock,
at the fangfetish in round 11 today. It's in the Best Drabble
(Up To 500 Words) category.

Since it is a 100 word drabble, I don't expect to win.
Wish more award sites had a category for 100 word drabbles only.
I feel like a pony trying to win the Kentucky Derby.
Still I am flattered that someone feels it is worth nominating.

Many of my favorite authors are nominated for this round.
Congratulations to all the nominees in round 11.
So check out fangfetish to see who is nominated and maybe
nominate one of your favorites.

Here is Tick Tock, Hear The Clock:

Title: Tick Tock Hear The Clock
Summary: The reality of Buffy’s life.
Rating: G
Word Count:100
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Joss Whedon,
                     Mutant Enemy, and lots of others-sadly not to me.
Beta: None so all mistakes are mine


Most women her age have a biological clock they hear ticking.

They find a nice normal guy to love, get married and have a family.

No normal guy for Buffy. No future of marriage and fat babies for Buffy.

Being the Chosen One meant meeting mostly dangerous or undead guys.

Often the guys where both dangerous and undead.

No, the guys Buffy meets in her line of work caused her to hear a different clock ticking.

The tick tock of that clock counts down the time to one of those dangerous and/or
undead guys having himself a really good day.

nominee, flist, drabble

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