Drabbles written for LJ community open_on_sunday.
Title: Heaven’s Reward
Pairing: Spike, Dawn and Buffy
Summary: Spike comforts Dawn who is missing her family.
Buffy musing after The Gift episode.
Rating: PG
Setting: Season Six
Word Count: Two 100 word drabbles
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Joss Whedon,
Mutant Enemy, and lots of others-sadly not to me.
Beta: None so all mistakes are mine
“Spike, do you believe in Heaven?”
Spike watched as Dawn knelt placing bouquets of flowers on Joyce and Buffy’s graves.
“Niblet, man has been pondering Heaven for thousands of years.
“It’s the promise of ascension that comforts us to believe there is a reason for all the suffering we’ve endure in life.”
“But what do you believe? Do you believe that Mom and Buffy are in Heaven?”
Dawn’s voice broke into a sob. Spike sighed and held her face between his hands rubbing away a tear.
“No one deserved peace in Heaven more than your Mum or your big sis.”
She felt like she was on the edge of awaking.
Everything felt warm, soft and cozy.
She didn’t feel the need to do anything.
It just seemed to be too much effort to open her eyes or stretch her limbs.
She just felt satisfied in such a strange way she never had before.
Everything was so dream-like and surreal somehow.
She listened, but heard no sounds.
That was odd in itself.
Her world had always been a mixture of loud, hard, noisy sounds.
Buffy decided not to question it.
The thought of her ascension to Heaven never entered her mind.