Rogue Poet Awards

Apr 28, 2009 21:22

To my shock I got nominated at Rogue Poet Awards for my drabble
Passions Spent that I posted on open_on_sunday .

The catagory is Best Short - Stories that have no more than five (5) chapters and are complete.

Since it is a 100 word drabble it will be up against several much longer and wonderful works by very talented writers.

I am so the red headed step child in this and don't expect to win anything.

Some of my favorite authors and stories that are nominated in the different catagories there. 
If you are looking for good stories check it out.

Thanks to who ever nominated me. Here are  the button and the drabble.

Title: Passion Spent
Pairing: Buffy/Spike
Summary: Private thoughts
Rating: PG:13
Setting: Spike’s crypt.
Word Count:100
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Joss Whedon,
                      Mutant Enemy, and lots of others-sadly not to me.
Beta: None so all mistakes are mine


She loved this moment. After the passion was spent. How delicious the languid feeling was to lie here.

She glanced over at him. He reminded her of a large cat licking his lips to capture the last tastes of cream.

He could hear her heartbeat beginning to slow. He waited for her to slip into slumber after their love making.

It was the only time he could watch her and drink in the sight of her without her making some snarky remark.

This moment of quiet gave him almost as much pleasure as the passionate coupling that led to it.

nominee, flist, drabble

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