
Feb 08, 2023 04:45

Every once in awhile I get an email about a LJ friend having a birthday. I click on their user name to see if they are still here. Today it was Spikesdeb. Seems she hasn't posted for around ten years. Always makes me sad. I miss my fandom friends from LJ. I lurk on Dreamwidth as kuda these days. I couldn't get into my old kudagirl account due to no longer ( Read more... )

real life

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Comments 9

gillo February 8 2023, 13:22:30 UTC
spikesdeb is on Twitter with the same handle; I've pointed her at your post here, though she may not still have an account, because evil Russians.

I've had a very bruising time within the fandom in the last year - see my LJ post of a couple of months ago. But it would be lovely to discuss Thoughts about it any time!


kudagirl February 9 2023, 20:55:12 UTC
Live Journal was such a special space back in the day before the Russians made it a scary place. I miss all the wonderful people that shared the love of BTVS. Thank you for commenting. Hugs.


slaymesoftly February 8 2023, 13:27:03 UTC
There is a new generation of BTVS onine. They do hang out on Tumbler,Reddit, and other places I don't frequent. But they also hang out on Elysian Fields and a newer archive, Sunnydale After Dark. It's not quite like LJ in the old days, but there are conversations. I think one or both of them might also have an LJ? And they do have a FB presence also. Seasonal Spuffy is still hanging in there, so twice a year new people get pulled into LJ/DW, at least temporarily. It's just that most people have moved on with their lives and only use LJ/DW for more personal things now, or, they've moved on to other fandoms that don't interest me, so I don't pay a lot of attention to them. It is sad, but ( ... )


kudagirl February 9 2023, 21:06:04 UTC
Yes, I am not on FB, Reddit or Twitter. Too many people in my life I just don't want to deal with. Too old for that kind of drama. That's why LJ and Dreamwidth was right for me. I could enjoy my fandom and the lovely friends.
I would crosspost, but doesn't seem to work from DW to LJ. Back in the day I was one of the fans that commented on EF all the time. Life shifted for me and there just wasn't time to keep it up. Hugs.


debris4spike February 8 2023, 16:58:06 UTC
Yes it's sad how so many have drifted away from either site . Other than icons my posts are all about life now!


kudagirl February 9 2023, 21:09:21 UTC
I miss writing for BTVS. Life just gets in the way. Your icons are a joyful part of fandom. Always so beautiful. I don't check on LJ very often so I miss the posts. Hugs.


debris4spike February 10 2023, 14:52:35 UTC
I do miss your drabbles. Yes, I have a couple of longer fics in progress, and will try to get them finished at some point - one is a BtVS one

I do still enjoy making icons. Most weeks there are some posted - don't forget if you are on DW then just going back to my actual journal you see all the posts as I send things over most weeks.


cordykitten February 11 2023, 21:26:36 UTC
Yeah... sometimes I don't even notice that LJ got deleted when I make my birthday posts and they have a strike through *sigh*

So many LJs on my F-List are quiet now. I'm not often @ DW (when I update I'm using LJ) so I don't know if there are more people from my F-List active.


kudagirl February 11 2023, 21:40:49 UTC
There are very few on DW. On there they mostly post about real life. Very little about BTVS. I've been rewatching Buffy and see things I missed. Emotions and thoughts about the relationships of the characters and that world. Twenty years has given me different views of the series. Hugs.


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