Aug 27, 2021 21:25

In my job we have to take drive up orders to a car outside. You place an order, let us know you are on the way, we pull it and run it out to your car. You show us a number on your phone which we type into an app. Then we hand it to you, put it into your trunk or seat. A woman rolled down her window to take the bags. "Oh, by the way, I have covid ( Read more... )

real life

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Comments 6

goldenusagi August 28 2021, 11:36:46 UTC
WTF. What is wrong with people?


kudagirl August 28 2021, 22:50:58 UTC
They are so entitled. There is a covid drive thru across from our store. This last week the line has been so long. People let their guard down and now we are paying for it.


debris4spike August 28 2021, 13:26:32 UTC
In some ways I would say that I don't believe how some people are ... but working in the hospital there are a few people who have no respect for others around.

Covid means staying at home ... what part of that is impossible to understand ... HUH!!!

I hope your colleague is OK.

PS - I am sorry I wasn't able to wish you a Happy Birthday but I had to do an emergency trip to my Aunt and was internetless ... I did think of you and prayed that you were having a good day. *hugs*


kudagirl August 28 2021, 23:06:09 UTC
Working with the public is so difficult. I get some just refuse to believe COVID-19 is dangerous. One of my coworkers lost her brother this week to it. Believe what ever you want, get a shot or not, but don't expose others.

I knew you were busy. I'm happy you are able to travel again. I'm so done with not being able to enjoy life, but understand we need to be careful.


teragramm August 30 2021, 12:32:53 UTC
People can be pretty damn thoughtless and amazingly stupid.

I suspect her thoughtless stupidity has a lot to do with ignorance of the virus and probably a bit of not believing that it's as dangerous as the media says. (See I am able to leave my house and I'm not hospitalized, so it's not as dangerous as everyone is saying.) *sigh*

God help us from the morons.


kudagirl September 2 2021, 20:15:14 UTC
Yes, I think that is correct. Sadly my state is leading in new cases of covid. I am still amazed people refuse to believe how serious this disease can be. Even if you have had shots, you can still get covid-19. You might be as ill or die, but you can then give it to someone else who might not have had the shots. So many of our schools have had to shut down due to cases of covid-19. They haven't been in school a month yet and had to close.


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