A very late meme

Jul 13, 2021 12:29

I have a very stressful week and missed doing the meme. A new person moved upstairs above me and it caused so many issues. That apt has been being redone since Feb. I mean totally redone. They ripped out all the appliances and flooring. They replaced the cabinets in kitchen and bath. I often came home to a repairman parked in my assigned parking space. There are very few spaces as it is and each is assigned to an apt. I sent many emails to the office bitching about it. To make matters worse, each time there was something going on in the downtown area they blocked off the alley ways to prevent parking. So sometimes, I couldn't even park there if there was something going on.

The weekend of 4th of July, my new neighbor moved in. She has one assigned parking space. She had a moving van in my parking space. I parked near by, but the next two days someone parked in my space again. I emailed the office again. Finally I got my space back. I was so happy. Then I entered the building to find a refrigerator smack dab in the middle of the floor space between my apt and the one across the hall. Now this space isn't large. Maybe six ft across. I was off the next day so waited to see if it moved. It was late in the evening when I heard someone dragging it upstairs. Now this is a odd staircase. It has about five steps up and then a turn of about three stairs and then another turn. They damaged the risers of the stairs and the walls trying to get it upstairs. I took pictures and emailed it to the office. The office isn't in my town, but a good thirty mins away. They emailed me back with questions.

On last Sat night, I heard someone in the hall and saw a man fixing the risers. I didn't bother him, but was thankful it was getting fixed so quickly. Then last night I was bring in some groceries and found a small kitten on the stairs. The renter above me came down and said it was her kitten. She was very upset that the company we rent from didn't put in a refrigerator in her apt. The one I saw was too large to go up the stairs and she had to order a smaller one. Her brother repaired the stairs and she plans on painting the walls that were damaged. I hope this is the last of that drama.

I took vacation for three days so my best friend and I could go see Black Widow. He works nights and only has Friday and Sats off. Since I have Thusdays and Weds off, it makes it difficult for us to do anything. He works nights while I work days. So taking off a Sat-Wed gave us a chance to see the movie. On the Thursday before, he told me he was changing jobs and going to days. He thought he would begin the day I bought tickets for us. So I cancelled the tickets. Then he finds out he can't get the day job he wanted. So now we could have gone, but he didn't tell me until about an hour after the movie started. He said he would have next week off if I wanted to go on a Tues or Wed. I checked and the theater will not be showing the movie I wanted to see then. So now I don't know what to say. I feel bad for him, but am ticked off that I don't get to go to the movie I waited to see for a yr now. Normally this wouldn't be a huge thing, but after the last yr I really needed something good to look forward to and am upset.

For some reason I can't get the cut thing to work so this is a long post.

So now the meme days I missed:

July 8 - What did your parents do when you were growing up.

My father worked on building roads so he wasn't home much. He would be home every other weekend. My mom worked in a clothing factory. So most of my life it was just my mom and myself.

July 9 - When someone knocks on the door, who do you think it is.

Usually it a pizza delivery.

July 10 - Did your parents live in a different country before you were born. My mom never lived any where, but TX. My dad was overseas during WWII.

July 11 -What is something you have experienced that very few others have?

I started working for a local shoe store at sixteen. At seventeen, the store owner took me to Dallas for a buying trip. We went to several shows and there were models running around back stage with no clothes. I got to attend a market party given by Glamour Magazine. Drank my first champagne there. Heady stuff for a teenager from a small town.

July 12 - Do you have to wear an identification badge at your job?

Yes, and it says trainer on it. Many customers will avoid the other workers and ask me question because of that.

July 13 - Do you like when friends stop by unexpectedly?

No. I don't deal well with surprise visits. Since my best friend works a different schedule and lives a good thirty mins away, it doesn't happen often. We have to plan things.

real life, meme

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