Birthday Surprises

Aug 27, 2013 17:44

My birthday was Aug. 18th. I found many
delightful prezzies bestowed on me by
my wonderful friends.

debris4spike made these for me.


She loves Spuffy just as much as I do.

piggy1 and I go way back before LJ.
We met on a movie blog site.  She is so
very talented and an amazing friend.

She knows just what I love. LOL!

comlodge and I have known each other for a very short time.
Her talent seems endless.  Art, drabbles, and longer stories.

I'm a member of nekid_spike where the
talented ash_carpenter created this for
all the August members.

I was sent a great story by spikes_evilbint
from  her original published works.

rivertempest and  ssddgr sent me email
birthday wishes.

slaymesoftly and blondebitz sent me
virtual gifts that make my profile page shiny.

jaded_jamie made me a Dr Who video
which I loved.

cordykitten included me in one of her
birthday posts.

darkgoddessgege, my fellow Texan
sent me birthday wishes on LJ.

edenskye gave me a ticket for our
local con in Oct.  Everyday he gives
me the treasured gift of being my friend.

Hugs and kisses to everyone who made
my birthday so much better.

prezzies, birthday, thankyou

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