Random Retail

Jul 24, 2013 08:04

Last week I was doing a return for a lady.  She said, "I was here the
last two days andyou weren't."  There was another lady standing behind
her.  Second lady says,"Tuesdays and Weds are her days off." That
happens quite often.   People know my schedule and plan around it
for their returns.

A woman freaked out last year when I took a week off.  She thought I
had quit my job. She questioned my co-workers about it. LOL!

We had a new Koger open up down the street this week.  Our business
was very slow.  I decided to check out the new store on my day off.  I
wasn't in the store five minutes when a woman stopped me and questioned
why I was there.  She said I should only shop my own store.  She was joking I
know, but it made me uncomfortable while I wasthere. I kept expecting someone
to stop me again.  A few did give me looks like they thought they knew me, but
didn't say anything.

A few weeks ago, my store manager was at Guest Services looking for something.
A guest asked me if I ever got to go home.  It pissed off the SM.  He said that yes I
got to go home and even had two days off a week.  He is sort of a jerk.  This is his
first store and he is under a lot of pressure.  He takes it out on the workers.

Our HR person told me he got a call about me.  Said the woman told him she knew I
had worked therefor a very long time and did a great job.  She just wanted to let him
know.  He was laughing when he told me.  He is often around when I help people and
commented he knows I do a great job.

Last week our Asset Protection patted me on the shoulder as he walked by.  He said
he was blessed having me work with him. Sometimes just small moments make this
horrible job worthwhile.

retail hell

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