Yep, Buffy comics are fan fic

Jul 23, 2013 07:33

I tried reading the Buffy comics and just couldn't stand them.
Season eight seemed to be badly written fan fic to me and I
might have been right.

"Talking more about the Buffy comics, Whedon addressed the "Buffy and Angel ( Read more... )

link, comics, fandom, comiccon, joss whedon

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Gonna get meta-splurgy here, fasten your seatbelt and settle in red_satin_doll July 26 2013, 14:25:52 UTC
First of all? that Riley icon is FUCKING BRILLIANT. Dude needs to be called on the carpet. ( I wrote about that too, recently. I'm torn between really laying into him in meta or lettting it go and concentrating on what I love - the ladies of the verse.)

He found fault with Cordy and Anya since they were not Buffy.

My opinion? His treatment of Cordy and Anya would have happened regardless of Buffy; that's from his father. (Unfortunately we don't see Mr Harris until HB but in this case Xander's behavior is consistent enough from the beginning that we don't have to wait until S6 to infer that.)

The three women whom he's sexually attracted to are all slut-shamed because for him attraction includes an element of possession. (Women have been "owned" by men for centuries. The Slayer/WC dynamic is actually a good metaphor for that.) Willow is the only one who escapes being being on the receiving end of his shaming or jealousy except for that brief period in S3 he's never sexually attracted to Willow. If anything he tends to ignore he - totally misses her attraction to him.

This is NOT to say that if someone is attracted to you, you're obliged to return it. It doesn't work that way. But if Xander is "one of the girls" to Buffy, then Willow is "one of the guys" to Xander.

Which is why Grave irks me; it's part of Xander's arc to be "a better man", but he's never NOT loved Willow in his way. Their friendship has never been in doubt. He's never thrown contempt hate or scorn at her; so it doesn't entirely. That scene would have worked better thematically with Anya or Cordy going evil. (His scene with Buffy in SR where he says that she used to confide in him re: her personal life also doesn't work for me - Willow was her confidante S1-3. Was he ever her confidante again esp after Becoming?)

He laid that at Buffy's feet.

Rebcake had a great phrase for this: "Flinging blame like Mardi Gras beads" I disagree with her that Riley wasn't also placing blame on her, because he totally was, and for all the reasons you listed. So - agree with your analysis of Riley. As far as Riley being a good fit for her - I'm not sure that any man could be. Who knows? I think they actually could have been good friends, if Riley hadn't been such an ass.

And I do get that Riley was hurting, that he had issues, etc - but, I'm sorry. Dawn has MUCH bigger identify issues than Riley does.

Sam looked up to Riley and depended on him in a way that Buffy would never have done.

I'd have to watch the episode again - GAG - but I recall her giving back as good as she got verbally. There was a nice dynamic there between them (although in what military operation would a married couple be allowed to work together, much less in the same chain of command?) What's ironic is what they have is pretty much what Buffy wanted and imagined she had with RIley, and what he DIDN'T want: an equal partner, someone to trust for support.

That was what forced her to deal with her depression.

Making HIM the poster boy for emotional health? in the same season where Giles and Xander come swooping in to the rescue and be the Big Damn Heros of S6? Sorry but no. And depression doesn't work that way anyway.


Re: Gonna get meta-splurgy here, fasten your seatbelt and settle in kudagirl July 26 2013, 22:25:16 UTC
What I meant by Sam looking up to Riley was how she saw him as a partner. She praised him. Buffy hurt Riley's feelings because she didn't want him along what she patrolled. Spike even notice that. Sam and Riley shared the work load. Buffy never was comfortable doing that with Riley. She always held back a bit with him sparing and preferred that he didn't kill demons with her after he had the chip removed.

I think seeing her life through Riley's eyes was when Buffy decided to end it with Spike and that was the beginning of her taking steps to work on her life. Before that she just used Spike to push away her pain. She admitted she was using him and how it hurt her. It was seeing her current life compared to Riley and Sam's that jarred her into change. She still had lots of things to work on, but that was a turning point for her. That was what I meant.


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