
Mar 08, 2013 19:13

For One Week, Recommend/Share:

Day 1: A song
Day 2: A picture
Day 3: A book/ebook/fanfic
Day 4: A site
Day 5: A youtube clip
Day 6: A quote
Day 7: Whatever tickles your fancy

Day 6: A quote

This is a quote by Max Born. In 1954 he was granted the Nobel Prize for Physics.
His quote says it better than I ever could.

"The belief that there is only one truth and ( Read more... )


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kudagirl March 9 2013, 12:17:01 UTC
An open mind and open heart are the best way to live. Accept others differences as long as who and what they are do not damage others. I just don't get how people believe gay marriage will affect their marriages. (Perfect icon you used there.)


lifefailsme March 9 2013, 14:25:00 UTC


kudagirl March 10 2013, 10:54:58 UTC


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