Connor Meets His Destiny

Oct 13, 2008 17:43

I wrote this for nekid_spike from the nekid numbers challenge. You pick a few numbers and later on they tell you which character, item and location you got to write about.  I ended up with Connor, mask and Salem. I could not fit my ideas in a hundred word drabble so it's longer than I normally do which always scares me a bit.  So I whined to mabel_marsters and she betaed this for me. She is wonderful. She doesn't laugh at me.

Title: Connor Meets His Destiny

My Nekid Numbers Prompt: Connor, mask, Salem
Pairing: Connor, Drusilla
Summary: Meeting in a dark alleyway in L.A.
Warnings: Character death, thrall, biting
Word Count: 401
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Joss Whedon, 
                      Mutant Enemy, and lots of others-sadly not to me.
Beta: mabel_marsters


Connor walked through the dark alleyway silently. He had missed this - the raw feeling of danger hiding in the shadows.

In Quortoth, Connor had been known by two names. Holtz called him Steven. He was also know as the Destroyer by those living in there. When he returned to this dimension, he had been filled with anger and hate.

Angel had made a deal with Wolfram and Hart to give Connor the childhood and family that he never had. Angel hoped this would help Connor to finally be sane and safe. The spell had been broken so he remembered both his real and his fake memories.

Now he was a pre-law student at Stanford. He had a paper due on the Salem Witch Trials about how he would defend someone who had been declared to be a witch. The essay would have to wait. His need for violence was calling him.

He often felt the need to hunt, so here he was with a stake in his belt and a sword in his hand. He enjoyed the dangerous streets of L.A. It was a demon hunter’s paradise.

Hunting demons gave Connor a feeling of satisfaction and a feeling of heightened elation.

A woman drifted out of the shadows swaying and singing to herself.

She wore a long gown with a feathered mask. She was slim with long dark hair.

He could tell that she wasn’t human. He wondered if she could tell he wasn’t quite human himself?

He watched her with a fascination. She was upon him before he could react.

She ran her long fingers across his cheek and he shivered at her cold touch.

Her dark eyes seemed to capture his and he couldn’t look away.

He watched mesmerized as she slipped her fingers to her eyes.

“Little brother,” she chanted. “Be in me.” Drusilla’s laughter sounded like breaking glass as her fangs sank into Connor’s neck.

He sighed with pleasure as she pulled his blood into her mouth.

She licked her lips and crooned at him. “Drink, little brother.”

She used her sharp fingernail to make a shallow cut on her breast.

His lips found the taste of her blood to be like a mixture of desire and danger.

Drusilla sang a lullaby about the stars and moon to him.

The Angel beast would be very angry.

She didn’t care because she would be a mummy again.


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