Birthday Wishes!

Jun 23, 2012 09:00

Happy Birthday to  debris4spike
James Marsters brought us together.
Deb is an amazingly beautiful person.
I treasure her friendship. Posting this a bit
early due to Deb living in a different time zone.

June 24th is a perfect day to tell you that you are a wonderful friend.
Happy Birthday! Wishing you all the best today and throughout the coming year!

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jamesmarsters, birthday, generator photos

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debris4spike June 23 2012, 16:11:17 UTC
Thank you so much - I have just got in from going shopping with Mum & Dad as they wanted to buy me a watch .... so it may be a day early, but it does spread the "party" ... Thank you.

Yes, James is one of our true links ... and through him that friendship is very special.



kudagirl June 23 2012, 22:14:32 UTC
A watch is a lovely gift. You are so special we need to spread your birthday over a week at least if not longer. *hugs*


lifefailsme June 24 2012, 09:17:45 UTC
Deb is a wonderful, wonderful lady and I am so happy to have her as my friend, sending me funny emails, lovely comments, posts filled with sharing, caring and happiness, sharing her personal self with us and pouring herself out in that way at times that makes her such a special person in my life, she has been an blessing.


kudagirl June 24 2012, 11:01:27 UTC
Deb was my very first new friend on LJ. She is such an amazing person. I'm closer to her than than I am to most I know in real life. Plus I got to know you through her and edenskye so I'm double blessed by her friendship.


debris4spike June 24 2012, 14:00:29 UTC
It is you 2 that make my life so much brighter ... hugs you both tight.


kudagirl June 24 2012, 21:54:36 UTC
Love you sweetie.


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