Happy Birthday!

May 02, 2012 07:26

May 2nd is the birthday of a very special person to me.
She was the very first online fandom author that befriended
me. She was so very nice to the odd person who began
leaving her comments. Those exchanges began a friendship.
We've never met in real life, but I would so love to change that.
So happy Birthday to the talented and wonderful....


I hope you ( Read more... )

gif, birthday

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Comments 4

debris4spike May 2 2012, 15:23:57 UTC
That is great Kuda ... I know Mabel will love it (Hope she pops in!)


kudagirl May 2 2012, 16:01:32 UTC
Thanks. Yes, I hope she gives her friend's page a look today. I know she will have many warm greetings for her birthday.


mabel_marsters May 3 2012, 07:39:27 UTC
Wow! That is sooooo clever! I love it, thank you very much. The Norm is pleased that he is featured :) Would definately love to meet up one day. :)


kudagirl May 3 2012, 10:44:08 UTC
you are very welcome. I hope to meet up someday with some of the wonderful people I've met online. You are top of the list. Of course, Norm had to be there. He is the special man in your life. Hugs!


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