Character Meme

Apr 13, 2012 00:42

1. Leave a comment to this post - specifically saying that you would like a letter.

2. I will give you a letter.

3. Post the names of five fictional characters whose names begin with that letter,
and your thoughts on each. The characters can be from books, movies, or TV shows.

I was given the letter K by .  He didn't want to make it easy. Well, it wasn't.

The first name that came to me was Kirk as in James T. Kirk.
I was a Spock fangirl. I always thought Kirk was a bit of a jerk.

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The second name that came to me was Kermit. As in the frog.
I love the Muppets. Kermit is often the straight man to the comics
in his movies and TV shows. It's a thankless job sometimes.

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One of my new favorite characters in a TV show is Kenzi from Lost Girl.
Kenzi is the sidekick of the main character.  Like many secondary characters,
Kenzi is more interesting to me. Kenzi is a bit con artist, big hearted, and comic
relief.  She dresses very goth, wears lots of wigs and is smarter than she lets on.
I've only seen the first season of this series, but I think down the line we will find
there is more to Kenzi than she reveals. I think she came from money and is educated.

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My next character is Kendall Hart.  But not Sarah Michelle Gellar's Kendall.
I never liked Sarah's Kendall.  It was only when Alicia Minshew took over the role,
that I began to love the character. Alicia's Kendall grew up and became a complete
character  who was still messed up, but developed into grown up woman who loved
others and cared about her actions.

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My last choice is Kate Beckett from Castle. I like strong female characters.
Kate is smart, brave, and fearless.  She became a cop due to the mystery of
her mother's death.  I love the relationship between Castle and Beckett.

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