The Up and Down of Retail

Nov 15, 2011 07:58

We match ads with certain conditions.  We don't match ads that required a card to get the sale price.
We only match national brands. We only do the matching at the guest service desk.

Guest went to regular register first with ads and was brought over to me after she checked out. She
had an ad we don't match due to the loyalty card required.  She got very nasty about it.  We did match
one from a different ad that we do accept. She still got nasty and muttered "I'll never buy from here again." 
When she left, another guest  said, "I hate people like that. I'm a nurse and we get it all the time."

A few minutes later, a couple came in with a cart full of things they received for wedding presents.
They only had a few gift receipts so I helped them print off their gift purchase log from their wedding
gift registry.  It allows them to return things with out gift receipts. They were so sweet. They ended up
with over $400 on a gift card. They kept thanking me for helping them. It was so nice to have someone
be decent instead of ugly.

rl, retail hell

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