Nekid Profile for Andrew Wells

Aug 20, 2008 21:52

 nekid_spike is doing a questionaire of different characters.  I took a stab at writing for Andrew.  So in case some of my lovely buddies here didn't see it I decided to spam your friends page with a bit more of me.  Thanks to   
mabel_marsters  for giving it a look and making some suggestions.  She's a peach.

Name: Andrew Wells

Occupation: Well, in the past, I was an evil genius. I was the pawn of The First. Now, I am a Watcher in training. Mr. Giles says I am coming along fine.

Age: Are you carding me?

Zodiac: Gemini - I have my evil side and my hero side.

Fave Hangout(s): I did spend time on the run in Mexico with Jonathan, but The First encouraged me to return to the Hellmouth. Now it is the Watcher’s Council Headquarters.

Talent(s): Skilled demon summoner, adept with pipes and other instruments to accomplish this end. Watcher training grants me moderate fighting techniques and vast knowledge of demonology and the black arts.

3 things you can't live without: Spike, my Frodo. My group of young slayers who idolize me. My collection of DVDs, comics and action figures from various genres.

What is the sweetest thing a guy/girl has done for you? Spike took me riding on his motorcycle. We had long talks and bonded. Mr. Giles has become my mentor so that is very sweet of him.

The most daredevil thing you've ever done? Closed the Hellmouth with help from Buffy and Spike. No, maybe it was when I forced Angel to hand over Dana. He really didn’t like that.

Your biggest mistake: Believing The First and killing Jonathan.

One thing you’re glad you’ve outgrown: Being an evil genius. It’s much more fun being a hero.

Who would play you in a movie about your life? Hmmm… Interesting question. Someone blond and well built. Maybe Brad Pitt.

Something you've always wondered... Another interesting question… How does Spike shave when he has no reflection?

If you were a product, how would your advertising campaign read?

Need an hero? Need someone to battle your demons. 
Call Andrew, he’s a proven champion.


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