Back Again ~ Prompt: Back

Sep 01, 2010 08:36

I haven't written much lately. Not been inspired by prompts.
Here is a drabble about Spike's thoughts after popping out
of the amulet in Season Five of Angel. Prompt is from
open_on_sunday .

Title: Back Again
Prompt: Back
Rating: G
Setting: Season Five ATS
Word Count:100
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Joss Whedon,
                    Mutant Enemy, and lots of others-sadly not to me.
Beta: None so all mistakes are mine


Back.  Yes, he was back.  Not solid, but back.

How odd it was to not be able to touch or affect anything.

He was a very tactile being so this was just maddening beyond belief.

As a human, he was a proper Victorian gentleman.

A kiss on the gloved hand of a lady was the most he allowed himself then.

Then once he was reborn, he drown himself in sensation of touch.

Fist and fangs. Back to wall. Yes, that was what made his unlife worth living.

Now, maybe he understood why Buffy hated being back where nothing felt right.

After writing the drabble, I found this video and it shows just how Spike/James relishes touching the world.

image Click to view

ats5, video, spike, drabble

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