In the interest of spending less time on Tumblr because oh god this has become an issue, I'm going to ramble about TV in public entries here for a bit. Cool?
So the last few days I've been all alsdfhskjfh over not being able to settle on one thing to watch/read at a time, but now I've pretty much gotten to the point where I'm going to have to finish the Sarah Jane Adventures before I move on to anything else. I was really going to watch Sailor Moon first, but the more SJA I watch the more I love it, and whatever it's short and I can't help myself. Last night I finished the first serial of the third series.
Sooo, my thoughts so far!
I love everything about Luke. Like, he is total eyecandy - whatever Tommy Knight is 18 and I'm only two years older and I've been into '93 boys in particular for like three years now anyway, there's nothing new about this - but he's also one of the greatest characters ever for a socially awkward penguin like myself. He all but calls himself a socially awkward penguin more than once, and it
demands gifing. Also the fact that he's the only one of his kind in the universe, like the Doctor, and he's also giving me Clark flashbacks with his relationship with his adoptive mother. And the eyecandy. Time is treating that kid well. Like the time between the second and the third series, oh okay. Okay.
Clyde is such an enjoyable character with all his one liners and Sarah Jane always giving him that "So not the time for this, Clyde" look. You know she wouldn't really want to change that about him, in the end. Who else in the Whoniverse could get away with laughing in a Sontaran's face without blowing him up or something the next second? Rani I liked right off the bat the same way I did Martha in Smith and Jones, because Rani's first serial was a lot like that - she repeatedly demonstrated how perfect she was for the sort of situation she'd been thrown into, much to the delight of the other characters. (Still not understanding how anyone could not love Martha Jones from the get go. BUT I DIGRESS.) And Maria was likeable because she was normal, and sort of the typical Whoniverse companion audience surrogate whatever for the first series. I first got really excited watching the show during the scene when Maria watched Sarah Jane send that alien home in the pilot, because the whole setup and the background music and everything was very...well I thought fairy tale, but I'm not sure if that's really the description I'm looking for. I don't know, but I like it. I was weirded out before that Maria left after just one series when she was practically the main character of that first series (I mean, the pilot was through her eyes), but I'm used to the way it all worked out now.
And of course, Sarah Jane. I haven't seen her in classic Who yet, which is why I was holding off on watching SJA in the first place. (I wanted to watch a decent amount of classic Sarah Jane first so that I could fully appreciate SJA as a Whovian. But Wendy discovered BBCK on digital cable one night and SJA was on, we both left the episode on, it made me want to watch the first few episodes, and I just didn't stop after that. OH WELL. I'm already used to seeing grown up Sarah Jane anyway because of her new Who appearances, so what's the difference?) But you really only need to start watching SJA to instantly love her for the badass she is. I'm quite used to loving badass lady journalists who don't take anyone's shit and run into dangerous alien situations without a second thought, anyway - hello, Lois Lane.
I love all the mother son moments and basically all of the relationships on this show. A group of attractive kids who get up in each others' space all the time, how could I ever object? I'm under the impression that the fandom's default ship is Clyde and Rani, so I basically decided to start shipping it early because I'll wind up shipping it eventually anyway, this being me and all. And there've been some shippery moments already, so. I almost ship Luke with Maria because of how intense he got when she told him she was leaving and how she was suddenly stroking his hair instead of touching his shoulder and how he pathetically denied liking her to Clyde after she left, but I don't really care about that potential ship too much. But ships aside, I'm happy when any of the kids get in each others' space. I just like them and their bonds and their, um, attractiveness. Look two out of three are older than me, okay. Sarah Jane is also lovely to look at, also Maria and Rani's dads.
And I love all the bigger Whoniverse references and how much more they refer to the Doctor than Torchwood does. One of the episodes I watched yesterday had Sarah Jane making a pretty direct reference to Rose and the Doctor's shenanigans in Tooth and Claw, which took place the episode before Sarah Jane herself bumped into them. And there's that background music continuity that's one of my favourite things about the Whoniverse; when Sarah Jane mistook an actual police box in 1951 for the TARDIS, the Doctor's Theme started playing. I am such a sucker for those moments when old background songs reappear/cross over to the spinoffs because they're relevant. (The Doctor's Theme when Jack is looking at the hand in a jar in Torchwood 1x02, same when Madame Vastra was talking about using a Time Lord as a weapon in A Good Man Goes to War, Owen's Theme popping up in Day Five of Children of Earth when Jack mentioned his name, Doomsday when Rose appeared in Partners in Crime, you don't know how much I love my background music continuity okay.) Also, last week I gave in and watched some of Ten's and all of Eleven's scenes from their SJA appearances. Even though I haven't watched classic Sarah Jane and I'm even less famliar with Jo Grant, I cried pretty hard at everything with Eleven.
It's weird for me, because I started watching Doctor Who about a week after Elisabeth Sladen passed away. When I heard about her death, I'd never heard of her or watched Doctor Who. Then I got pulled into a fifth series marathon the day before the sixth series started a week later and here I am now, and I saw her in School Reunion and the other new Who episodes she appeared in, and now I'm watching SJA. And it's weird for me, because I can't really process the fact that she's dead when she's only just come to life for me. I guess that's a positive thing, if she can live on through these shows and in my imagination. So I never had quite the same reaction to her death that those who were already familiar with her did, but I'm kind of glad for that. I'm only now discovering her for the first time, so her memory is living on.
So this was way too long and I doubt anyone will read it and maybe one day I'll learn how to be concise in my blog entries, or something. (Lol good one.) But whatever. Here are some faces.