First day at work officially over. It's kinda tiring, staring at the computer for hours on end. ><
Anyway today Gao Ming (the RI guy I'm doing this internship with) and I got our assignment, which was to design a new layout for
this site, according to specifications and requests. Most of today was spent doing the skeletal layout (which is basically something
like this). I didn't manage to save my work so you can't see it, sadly. Maybe next time.
Making the skeletal layout was... fun, if not for the fact that my fingers were getting frozen 'cause of the aircon (I have to bring a jacket next time). I'm not really looking forward to the mockup though, it feels too... restricted for me, and I've started on a bit of it and it's not turning out nice. :[ Oh well.
Any sensitive content f-locked, but no f-post this time