Let's see if this one gets any legs.
The rules are as follows: You have just taken over the world. Pick a double handful of friends, and assign them a country or region to govern with a brief explanation of why.
If 'tagged' then continue the meme.
louiszepher gets Australia, by request. Why he'd want it, I'm not quite sure.
xyris gets Western Europe, because it contains Italy and lots of pretty gardens that I'm sure she'd like.
mizura gets Japan, because she knows she wants to rule it with an iron fist and pick up new manga and suchlike.
dewdropinn gets Canada, as she requested a country and she's familiar with the land and its people, being as she's from there.
dragonralith gets the Fertile Crescent and surrounding areas--she wants the oil, she can deal with the rest of it. Enjoy. ;-p
forgottenwings gets Kamchatka, because I'm quite sure she'd take that province on the Risk board--unless she wants to put in a request for something different.
gkathellar can have the eastern Mediterranean regions. I'm sure he could find something he likes there.
jengagne can content herself with select portions of South America, because there's things there with lots of teeth--much like her cats.
tangsm can have sub-saharan Africa and a disease lab, so long as she promises not to let the nasties loose.
twoflower can have his pick of any James Bond-esque lair location--I recommend the subtropical volcano; quite cozy.