The ocean is great!
You can look at the surface
see spectacular waves,
but you need to take a dive
to discover the treasures.
In a way Iroha is like the ocean.
In episode 12 Akizuki makes an attempt to kill the seagull with the Getsuruitou.
This is really nice foreshadowing...
I think you all have noticed the seagulls seen flying around in Iroha. Obviously it means something, and it's not just because the setting is near the sea. I think it's pretty obvious from the OP that
the bird represents Kakunojou, which basically symbolises being able to leave restrictions and limitations behind. In short: freedom. Something that Akizuki appears to lack by being 'trapped' in his duty as the Eternal Assassin.
...and so why is the Eternal Assassin called the Eternal Assassin? Is it because the job is 'eternal' that he can't escape it?
There is also more about Kakunojou and Akizuki I want to tell, but I'll leave it at this for now.
btw LMAO @ Iroha cast in sailor suits.