Exams are over, Abitur is mine and You(!) are getting a bit of smutty from me. (sounds like a advertisement v.v; )
So it came to be, that I dared to go in the NSW-area and drawed a really smutty picture of Sirius and Remus. It wasn´t meant to be a NSW in the first place. But as I drawed the Sirius-nude I thought: "Hey, why not put another puppy beneath the first one...?!".
I used a graphite-pen for both pictures, which is far better than a normal pen, because you´re able to create darker lines which doesn´t smear, while you draw the picture (a great relief for me v.v)
Anyhow I decided to post my "sketch" for the S/R, too. So for all people who don´t like this slash thing and just want to see a nacked Sirius ;) the first picture is the right for you. To judge from his pose, he rather looks like a Pin-Up. But I tried to give him the body of a long-time prisoner, therefor he looks a bit unhealthy (which seems to be more realistic for me...). So here it comes. Just pure Sirius for your pleasure :)
And now for all S/R shippers: here comes my very first NSW!!
It´s not too graphic I think. There are not "special" parts, you can see, but they´re both pretty naked ;) The pose from Sirius is similar to the Sirius in the first pic, because I used this for the S/R pic. Remus looks a bit too you for me, almost coyish...But that´s just my point of view.