Art: green,green and again green

Sep 17, 2005 15:15

Exactly as I predicted, school turned out to be totally horror. It became rare, that I have a whole peaceful day, and it became even rarerer that there is a day, where I don´t write a test. Uhm, but don´t listen to my tirade of complaints about school and that sh...

Luckly (or should I say oddly) I´m in a good mood and to celebrate that I decided to post something cheery (or what I define with cheery).

It´s just a quick doodle I made while I was listening to the PoA O.S.T. The medium is pencil (my beloved 8B) and pastelchalk for the white glow. Otherwise the picture shows my love for buckbeak, my most favourite monster from the first line I read about him (ugh, this sounds so stupidly girlish...). Harry doesn´t look very happy on little Buckbeak, but I´m sure he will love it...hehehe

Ohoh, time is running, I think I should post the art before my mind gets too mad :P

Anyway here is the lj-cut:

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