You were right. The universe *is* transformation.
Last night, two things happened in conjunction which may change my world: First, I got an offer of a new job which, though a temporary pay cut from my current position, has more stability, more room to grow, and better benefits, doing the part of my job I have always loved best -- database work, rather than hands-on network and system support. It's a mid-level data analysis and Q/A gig for the private/public partnership called 'Workforce One', which handles job searching, job training, and unemployment benefits administration on a contract basis for the state of Florida. So, obviously, when the economy is good, it helps churn out skilled workers for booming industries, and when the economy tanks, it helps retrain laid off workers and pay out benefits. See where I'm going with the 'more stability' part? Especially since I right now work for a non-profit rehab clinic that has had its budget literally halved in the past year, and laid off literally half its workforce.
Second, my
blindseeking has completed her one-year applied technical diploma in Medical Records Transcription, and so our year of living off my credit cards and maxing them out while she continues her education has come to an end. This is a big step for us, one of the hurdles we mutually agreed to get past before we would even consider 'mawwiage'. So, by this weekend, she will be job searching like a fiend and so the paycut noted above hurts less than it otherwise would.
Now, as part of my understandings with both my Ashleybear and the new CEO of The Starting Place, I agreed to accept no offer for another job before talking to both of them. Ash is gung-ho. My boss, well, she understands. And given how many people have quit on *bad* terms, the fact that I did exactly what I said I would do, and talked to her before accepting the offer, and promised her a smooth transition in which I'll come in in the evenings for fairly negotiated consulting rates for a brief time? She's happy for me, and it helps her sleep better knowing that she doesn't have to worry about laying me off, which was an option she admitted having to consider for the medium term. So she actually teared up a little in gratitude that we're all handling this above-board and professionally.
In short, while things may be crunchy and hurty and we'll be eating cheaply for awhile, there's a light at the end of the tunnel, and it's not a train, it's a new day dawning. I trusted in your stoic wisdom, braced for the worst, and we'll ride on through.
Love to you, Marcus Aurelius, my Emperor,