Charlie 2.0

Jun 13, 2006 21:56

Alright, so during PARTYZEIT ZUM CHARLIEHAUSEN I was alone at home and feeling kind of crappy  Just generally dissatisfied with myself.  I'm overweight for one, and there are things I want to do that in order to do I need to get up off my ass and do them.  Also I am seeing myself as being lazely lately.  I mean I've always avoided doing work I don't want to do or don't feel I should have to do.  Its a family habit that my sisters have pretty much broken and I think its past time I went ahead and followed their lead.  So.

I made a list, I put this list in a book.  This is basically a crutch, to help me get going with these new habits.  my goal is to not just develop healthier habits, but also more resonsible habits.  I'm using the same motivation I use when I decide on a course of action sociall or morally.  I am going to do these things because I want to be the type of person who will do them.

So, every day has a new page in this book, like a journal.

Daily Tasks:
Shower, Brush Teeth Twice, Drink 8 glasses of water, Exercise, Go on a walk, Do an Hour of Housework, Clean the Kitchen, Take out the Garbage, Feed the Cats, Water the plants if they need it, Let the cockatoo out for a bit (yeah, we have a cockatoo) and any other tasks I need to do that day.

Keeping Track Of:
My weight that morning, what time I wake up, what time I go to bed, what I eat and when, and how much time I spend sitting down.

Hopefully this notebook and all these lists will help me to become more the person I want to be.

Last piece of news, Charlie 2.0 may be employed.  I have an interview tomorrow morning for Subway.  It seems like a fairly laid back place, and I can make sandwiches without too much trouble I think.  Plus it, like Game Trolls is within easy walking distance of home.
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