A walk in the park...

Feb 12, 2012 23:59

Albert Park, to be precise. I would have liked to go swimming this weekend, but St Kilda Rd has been given over to the Music Festival, and the normally-quiet area was crowded with strangers. Paul and I set off in what was as close to the opposite direction as seemed likely to get us peace and quiet -- into Albert Park, around the lake. And this time, I got pictures.

This little guy was not interested in being menacing, unlike his friends in the background; he just wanted some attention. He got it. :)

Good day for a sail? They thought so. I grinned -- every last person out there with a remote control today was a middle-aged man.

It was a gorgeous day, despite the light showers we got. We came home to a night off from raiding, split pea soup, and TV-watching. And now I'm wondering about the joys of remote-controlled sailboats... something to think about later.

I have also posted this at http://kuangning.dreamwidth.org/2104722.html, and if you like you can join (or start!) the conversation there instead, using OpenID.
comments at Dreamwidth thus far.

state of the cairsten, melbourne

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