(no subject)

Jun 11, 2008 20:48


Well, work is awesome thus far, and I'm not even doing real work stuff. I bet it will get even better when I get into the real meat of the research. It's nice feeling stable for the time being. Everyone I work with is really nice and accommodating. I work in an office with two other girls, Alexis and Brittany, and we're going to decorate our little space with plants and other comforting things, like constant tea parties when other people drop in. I'm still not exactly 'one of the crew', but I think once we have time to just sit and talk I'll feel more like I'm part of the group. It's only been 3 days anyway. I've basically just been doing those computer training modules you expect from most jobs and learning how to administer the neuropsych tests we use (there's a TON, way more than Barbar ever had). I still have to go to an orientation session and get a medical test done...eventually.

The commute isn't too bad, although all together it takes up to 3 hours of my day, depending on traffic. The first day I got on a bus with something broken on the outside, so the bus driver kept pulling over and stopping, ON THE HIGHWAY DURING RUSH HOUR, to fix it. So that ride was like twice as long as it should have been. The bus home on my second day didn't have AC, so some other passengers opened up the emergency exits to get some kind of air flow. Although that just took the bite off the ridiculous heat. Today Ganga drove me in, and on the way she told me about the laughter yoga she teaches, as well as the energy healing she does (I forgot the name of it...it starts with an r). It's all really cool, and I think we bonded a lot when we both got into the difficult times in the past and how energy healing helped us. I was supposed to go to her laughter yoga session tonight, but a wicked headache decided that I couldn't.

And that whole rearended business has settled down. We came to an agreement and it's all good.
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