ANDREW'S CRAP HERE Something important on your desk: My Elbow
When you sleep you wear: Pajama bottoms, with whatever shirt the day provided.
If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: Ipod, or Keyboard
Something you don't have a lot of: Personality
If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: PETS!! Then my CD's, then the piano.
If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: Probably alcohol. I just enjoy drinking things.
A time when you purposly hurt someone emotionally: Yep. God, she was a bitch.
A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: Only like, every week.
One person you have killed in your thoughts: Nick. Karsten. Probably bunches of others.
Three traits you look for in a friend: Nice. Real. Sexy (That last is certainly not a prerequisite, but if they can pull it off, more power to them.)
Who makes you laugh most often: Probably Lisa. Maybe Megan and/or Caitlin.
A friend who you can tell anything: Non-existent. The closest might be Caitlin, but even so...
A friend you can go to for advice: Umm... Patty.
The best piece of advice you had been given: Shut Up
Friends that you favor the most: The one's who aren't complete dumbasses.
The friend who uses most of your energy: Probably Megan.
Your 3 best qualities: Musicality, Gay, Spiritual.
Your 3 worst qualities: Self Loathing, Morbidly Obese, Depressing...
Describe your Ideal self: Less ugly as sin, more friendly, not such a complete and total reject.
You are embarassed when: I say something stupid. (A.K.A, I speak)
The greatest physical pain you ever endured: Probably when my hand was impaled by a nail.
The greatest emotional pain you ever endured: Meh, there's a few fighting for this one.
Your best physical feature: Maybe my hair...
Who/What makes you happy: Cats
Who/what makes you sad: Lack of cats...
Emotion you hide most: Depression
The emotion you tend to experience most: Depression
The emotion you are feeling most lately: Depression
You have a huge amount of guilt regarding: Being such a dumbass
When you are angry you need: Self mutilation... Ok, maybe not... I can't think of a good answer.
When you are sentimental you need: A nap.
When you are in love you need: A wake-up call.
One of your most peaceful memories: Listening to some of my CD's
One of your most tragic memories: Dying people come to mind.
One of your angriest memories: When my "quote, unquote friends" are being dumbasses.
A memory that makes you laugh: AMIGOS!!!
A memory that makes you happy: Daycare buddies
Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive: Pardon me, I think I dropped my tony awards somewhere around here...
Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive: "dude, that's so gay"
Two things appealing about people: Personality, Open-mindedness.
A personality trait you find appealing: Humorous
Your secret passion: Diet Cola (I don't know if I answered that one right, all I know is I'm thirsty *goes off to get a drink*)
What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship: Wouldn't know...
DO you have a bf/gf if yes who? no
What do you find sexy about them: their incorporeality
A place where you want to have sex: Keeping previous answer: "how about a BED?"
A strange place where you have had sex: Umm.. No...
What drives you crazy (in a good way) about this person: ...
What music is on when you have sex, or is it the tv?: ...
Favorite song to have sex to: Think of me. (That one's for you, Kathleen. *Wonders if anyone will have read this, and what they'll think of that comment...*)
Describe your mate physicaly:
Describle your mate's personality:
You feel most attractive...:
Favorite thing you like to see your mate wear (clothing wise don't say naked):
What would you like your mate to do more of:
If you had more time alone you would: Meditate.
If you had more patience you would: Try to teach people without resorting to pain therapy.
If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: To stop being an ugly fatass.
If you had no committments what would you be doing: Probably dying from boredom. That, or making some commitments.
If you could have one super power what would it be: Telekinesis. So damn useful!
If you could start all over....: I probably wouldn't.
1.What time is it? 8:45 PM
2.Do you want to answer these? Some yes, some no.
3.Name? Andrew
4.Name spelled backwards? Werdna
5.What is your quest? To find the hol-... I mean... to finish high school without being a total failure.
6.Nickname? Loser
7.Age? 17
8.Hometown? Waterbury
9.What were you born in? Berlin, VT in the hospital across from the mall, haha.
10.Where do you live now? Waterbury
11.What state? Vermont
12.Ever going to move? Probably
13.Would you rather live somewhere else? Yeah.
14.Birthdate? 4-28
15.When do you blow out your candles? Once the goat has stopped bleeding on the floor.
16.Day you were born? the i dunno what day of the week.
17.Zodiac sign? Taurus (That's bull... HAHAHAHA!!! *bad puns...*
18.Do you know what that is? refer to question 17.
19.Sex? Male
20.Height? 5' 9"
21.Weight? Fatass
22.Eye color? Greyish blue.
23.Hair color? Brown
24.Any siblings? 2
25.Names and ages? They do indeed.
26.Do you get along with them? Moreso, now that they've moved out.
27.Any pets? 2 cats, a dog, a guinea pig, and some fish.
28.Names? Toby, Phoebe, Abigail, Boo, and some fish.
29.Parents? One
30.Names? Elizabeth
31.Do you get along with them? More or less.
32.Married or divorced? The other one died slightly.
33.How long? Who knows...
35.Email? You bet your bippy. (And I'll raise you this ugly old hag...)
36.AOL s/n? Indeedy.
37.Yahoo s/n? Nopes.
38.ICQ? Nu-uh.
39.MSN? Negatory
40.How many people are on your buddy list? 54, though I don't talk to most of them.
41.Phone number? We don't believe in phones.
42.Personality? Uh... No.
43. Do you want to answer these? Not that much.
44.What school do you go to? Harwood
45.What year are you? Class of 2005
46.What are you? Senior
47.Hardest class? US-History. It's like one of those sleep studies, but I'm not getting paid.
48.Easiest class? Chorus
49.Most fun class? English (just wait 'til you have evil gnomes...)
50.What day did school start? On a tuesday.
51.Do you have classes with friends? Yep
52.Do you have friends? I like to think so.
53.Do you go to school events? Not Really
54.What was the last event you went to? Cannae remember.
55.Do you have school spirit? Not particularly
56.Do you go to dances? Rarely.
57.Stag or with someone? I refuse to answer this question, because stag sounds stupid.
58. Do you want to answer these? Erm...
59.Have a significant other? No.
60.What is their name? no
61.How old are they? no
62.How long have you been going out? no
63.Have you been faithful? no
64.Do you have a crush? Not really.
65.Who? refer to question 64
66.Do they know you like them? ...
67.You ever going to tell them? You don't get this whole concept, do you?
68.Do you have an online crush? No.
69.Who? Jebodiah.
In the Past 24 Hours Have You?
70. Do you wonder why I'm asking these questions? Kinda...
71.Had a serious talk? No
72. Hugged someone? yep.
73.Fought with a friend? yep.
74.Cried? Nope
75.Laughed? Yep
76.Made someone laugh? yeah
77.Bought something? GO CHAPSTICK!!!
78.Cut your hair? no
79.Felt stupid? Yeah
80.Talked to someone you love? You could say so...
81.Missed someone? yes.
Have-you-ever ?
82. You want me to tell you? to quote marie, "WUHGUHFUH?"
83.Smoked? No
84.Stolen something? No
85.Done yep
87.Gotten drunk? nope
88.Eaten an entire box of Oreos? Nope
89.Been dumped? yes
90.Had someone be unfaithful to you? no...
91.Hiked up a mountain? Yep
92. Stayed home on Saturday night, just because? as though I have other options.
93.Been in love? I doubt it.
94.Seen the White House? no
95.Seen the Eiffel Tower? as they say in france, no.
96.Try smoking? no
97.Played monopoly? yep
98.Seen Titanic? Yep
99.Kissed someone? yep
100.Tried a weight loss program? you could call it that.
101.Jumped on a trampoline? yep
102.Colored in a coloring book (and had fun)? Haha! yes.
103.Had a bubble bath? yep
104.Been on a plane? yup
105.Been on a boat? yup
106.Been on a train? yep
107.Been in a car accident? yup. Refer to "memories- question 2"
108.Ridden an elephant? No, but I kind of want to, now that you mention it.
109.Made a web page? Yep
110.Played with Barbies? The closest I've come is when I used to play with my sister's dollhouse. I'd always make up stories that the little child magically appeared on the roof, and when the girl would try to climb out, she'd get stuck, and the kid would fall off the roof, and then the dog would come up on the roof and knock her off, and then the dog would jump down the chimney. I was a special child.
111.Stay up all night? Yeah.
112.Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? it's not messy, it's extra storage space!
113.Called a psychic or sex hotline? nope.
114.Watched Jerry Springer? yep
115.Gotten in trouble for talking in class? yeah
116.Been afraid of the dark? Depends where I am
117.Been in the hospital (not visiting)? yep.
118.Had stitches? no
119.Dumped someone and regretted it? Nope
120.Gone out with more than one person at a time? nope
121.Lied? Yeah....
122.Been arrested? Nope
123.Fallen asleep in class? Oh yeah. I've had a few classes who's names were 'naptime'
124.Gotten in trouble in class? Yeah..
125.Used food for something other than to eat? nothing comes to mind...
126.Met a celebrity? Probably.
127.Broken the law? nothing comes to mind.
128.Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? nope.
129.Hated yourself? oh, yeah.
130.Been brokenhearted? I suppose thats subjective...
131.Broken someone's heart? Doubtful.
132.Are you a virgin? yeah
133.Done something really stupid? a lot of times
134.Been arrested? the answer is still no
135.Hurt a friend? I'd suspect.
136.Broken a bone? no.
137.Ever had a crush on a teacher? Erm... No.
138. Why do you want to know? ...?
139.Guy name? Tristen
140.Girl name? Gloria
141.Nationality? Umm...?
142.Color? Grey
143.Holiday? Arbor day!
144.Day of the week? probably thursday.
145.Restaurant? Not really.
146.Fastfood restaurant? Same.
147.Food? Refer to question 148. HHAHAHAHA... J/k. No idea.
148.Animal? Cats
149.Pet? My cat
150.Store? Dunno.
151.Mall? Umm... square?
152.Clothes brand? Up to speculation. I do enjoy wearing clothes, though.
153.Soda? COKE!
154.Alcohol? not really...
155.Instrument? The appropriate answer would probably be Percussion.
156.Season? Spring
157.Number? 3
158.Radio station? I dead one.
159.Song? TOO MANY!!!
160.Sport? Badminton
161.Vacation spot? My bedroom.
162.State? Denial (How cliche is that!)
163.Country? Turkey, 'cos they have the bravery to be named after poultry.
166.Thing to do? Sleep
167.Actor? Tim Curry's always a hoot.
168.Actress? Idina menzel's always cool.
169.Saying? Meh...
170.Car? Vroom Vroom...
171.Month? April/may area.
172.Cartoon? Snoopy
173.T.V.Show? BtVS
174.Website? (maybe not my favorite, but go there anyway.)
175.Book? Calvin y hobbes
176.Quality about yourself? lack thereof
178.Your best male friend? Uh... Don't really have any I would consider best friends of any sort.
179.Your best Female friend? Dunno.
180.Fruit? Apples
181.Vegetable? Cucumbers
182.Meat? Tunafish
183.Quote? Holy Kleenex, batman! it was right under our nose, and we blew it!
184.Saying? You can't please all people all the time, and last night, all those people were at my show!
185.Type of movie? Tweaky
186.Candy? Hershey's original chocolate bar. (Be sure to pronounce all three syllables of chocolate, or else it loses it's flavor.)
187.Language? Gibberish
188.Magazine? A dead one.
190.Store? ...
191.Movie? I can't choose!
192.Day of the week? Repeatative redundancy, anyone?
193.Singer? Dunno
194.Band? Dunno.
195.Why are you so curious? Grr! Arg! (mutant enemy)
196.Like to swim? not that much.
197.Like to dance? what kind?
198.Have a pool? Nope
199.Have a car? no
200.Going to get a car? no
201.Your motto? 'I'm addicted to chapstick'
202.What do you look for in a friend? My keys.
203.What do you look for in the opposite (same) sex? Don't suck at life.
204.Time you get up? 5:36am (5:45 according to my clock, but my clock is set nine minutes ahead)
205.Time you go to bed? Right around when I lose consciousness...
206.What color are the sheets on your bed? technically... green.
207.How many pillows? that varies. Right now, one giant-ass pillow.
208.Ever skip school? not really.
209.Have you ever been convicted of a crime? No.
210.What did you eat for dinner? Omelette and toast.
211.What are you wearing? Foamy shirt, dark blue pajama pants, a purple bracelet, and my moon ring.
212.What movie makes you cry? I don't think I've seen a movie that actually made me cry. I might've broken out crying in the middle, but I swear that's totally unrelated.
213.What book makes you cry? refer to question 212
214.What song makes you cry? Gollum's song is always particularly depressing.
215.What/Who makes you laugh so hard you cry? When megan, lisa, and me get going at the lunch table.
216.What is your favorite possession? My music collection.
217.What physical, tangible possession do you want most? Ipod
218.How badly do you want it? Really really.
219.Have you ever seen 'The Exorcist'? no
220.How long did it take you to understand why that question is here? I guess you would've had to've seen it.
221.Does Christmas music played too far away from Christmas annoy you? Beyond words. Even christmas music at christmas makes me angry.
222.How old do you think you will be before you stop liking getting older? Probably like, 25.
223.What was the best Halloween costume you ever had? 'running with scissors'
224.What was the worst Halloween costume you ever had? probably a ghost.
225.What holiday do you think has still managed to retain its original meaning? I'm still going with 'arbor day'
226.There are currently no federal holidays during August-what should be put there? Arbor day-2: Back in evergreen.
227.How good is your short-term memory? HORRIBLE!
228.How good is your short-term memory? HORRIBLE!
229.(Not very good I see, I repeated that question, did you notice?) I noticed it, but it took me a moment.
230.How good is your long-term memory? Slightly better, but it would've had to've made it past short term memory.
231.What is your earliest memory? I was like, two, and I had a weird ass drea,.
232.What is your happiest memory (other than receiving this survey)? That time when I got extra sprinkles on my ice cream cone (totally made that up. No idea whatsoever)
233.What is your strangest memory? when I dreamt that summer was tied to the swingset by the swings themselves.
234.What is your worst memory? Who knows. I probably forgot it intentionally.
235.What song, movie, etc. do you wish you could memorize? That song from the rocky horror picture show.. something about cards...
236.What song, movie, etc. do you seem to memorize unintentionally? TOO much.
237.What size are your feet? 11 or so.
238.If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? tell them to sod off in a poorly executed british accent.
239.Do you prefer getting to know someone first before dating them or going "blind"? Most likely getting to know them.
240.Could you carry on a relationship with someone with the same first name as a family member? It'd be odd, but yeah, probably.
241.Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out? sure.
242.What's your opinion on sex without emotional commitment? If you want.
243.Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? Nothing comes to mind.
244.Do you think the opposite sex finds you good-looking? Doubtful.
245.Would you be willing to give up sex in exchange for an emotional commitment you knew would last? Probably not. I think they're both important.
246.Do you laugh when you hear or read the number 69? at times.
247.Were you lying about your answer to the previous question? No.
248.Do you actually know your Social Security Number? Nope.
249.Do you actually know your IP address? Nope.
250.Do you know what an IP address is? Yep.
I stopped caring about halfway through. I'll continue caring tomorrow, but I doubt you'll even want to read much of these before bashing your head in with a wooden mallet.