Oct 17, 2004 12:35
Friday- football game, seen alot of people that I miss so much, and it made me wanna go back to Franklin. I really do miss everyone sooo much. I wish I coulda went to homecoming for Franklin, but it didnt happen. I enjoyed seeing everyone tho, it made me soo happy. Even tho I hardly see you all, i love you guys.
After the football game Cortney and I went and got Dustin and went to Matts house. It was Dustin, Matt, 2 other dudes, and Cortney n I. We were over there for awhile, they tried to get us to do shit but it didnt happen. We drove around for a bit at like 2 in the morning and then while we was driving around 2 black cats crossed in front of us. Well the last time that happened I got pulled over by the cops (but didnt get introuble). Well I wasnt really thinking about it, so like we went and dropped everyone off and it was like 3 in the morning. We were in middletown and we stopped at a red light and no one was around, and the light never went green so I was like omg, and asked Cortney to get out and push the button she did and the light started to change. It went green then BAM!! The car started smokeing and the steering wheel wouldnt turn. We stopped at this church parked the car got out as fast as we could and went back to Matts house. It took us forever to get there and it was sooo dark and scary. I called my parents when I got there and told them what happened. My dad showed up and I didnt get home till 4 in the morning. I got in trouble. :(
Saturday- ... Justin came over for a tad of a bit.
Then Adam came over....
I got a phone call from JD, and hah JD and I are over. No more of me and him, I hate him, hes fuckin stupid, and I couldnt give a shit about him no more. Im fucking threw!!!!! STUPID CHILDISH ASSHOLE, er.. whatever im over it/him.
I started my freakin period, wasnt allowed going anywhere cause of the night before so yeah.. Not the best night, oh well tho.... SHit happens.. Im out for now.. see ya