Writing so I can sleep...or at least try

Dec 10, 2007 04:04

I cant sleep.
My mom has been here since wednesday for my show that was this weekend. I love my mom. She leaves tomorrow. I have the best Mom, seriously. I dont know what I would do if I had a different Mom. My mom is so great. She got me a rose for closing night of my show. I thought that was very sweet of her. :) Becuase she didnt have to do that. I love my mom.
My Directing Project went extremly well. I am proud of how well my actors did, and that I was calm throughout the proccess, no crazy freak outs here. Well...i did give them the "weve got to step up our game talk" but thats cause every director gives that talk, its tradition. I had the best AD in the world, seriously, she was great. She and my cast got me 2 dozen roses on closing night too. What a nice gesture. I am going to miss hanging out with those guys a few times a week. We would always laugh, rehearsal was never boering or all work and no play. We always managed to have fun and they always put me in a good mood, even if I was feeling sick. Thank you to them. :)
The staged reading of Uncommon Women is tuesday. I staged it tonight, and later found out I have to fill in for one of the girls. I am worried about this for 2 reasons. 1. Im not very good at reading aloud becuase I have trouble with words, its something I have always had problems with 2. I did not practice the blocking for her part, and there isnt another run through...oh well. There was also a mix up with money, which sucks. My mom says not to worry and that it will all get figured out. I believe her. I am going to stop worrying about the reading on tuesday because its going to be fun. Just a bunch of girls reading an awesome show, with friends there to support, and lots of yummy goodies for the whole lot of everyone. Im also frusterated becuase there are so many great things I could do with the piece if I was directing the fully staged version, which I am, its just next semester. I will have to use this run to brainstorm....a first draft almost. Cool.
Im debating wither or not to direct another Directing Project in the Spring. There are a lot of good actors who are going to be auditioning, and only 4 directors right now...hmmm. So far for the Spring I have 5 classes, my Reading Series Club (which I want to meet once a month, which may not seem like a lot, but its a lot of prep work), and the Wendy Wasserstein Gala where the fully staged reading of Uncommon Women and Others will be presented. This staging will rehearse once a week all semester, I think. This plus I would have to audition for Directing Projects because Im a BFA, so there is the possibility of doing that. But I wouldnt have to add the class as I would as a director. Maybe there is a way for me to direct without taking the class. I will ask Liz on monday. That would be cool, I dont want to add another class. I also have my usual auditions for different projects, plus auditions for summer work, and I would like to get my group fitness training certification so I can make money, becuase thats good. And then on top of that my normal, if the Public Theater needs me I go hang out with them gig. Oh, and if possiable I would like to have some free time to have fun and such. :)

So What Have I learned?
-I cant add another class, too much
-Directing another DP would be cool, but I am already directing Uncommon Women, one show is enough to organize
-I will make the final decision after I talk to Liz
-I have to remeberd that I was in the hosiptal for exhaustion this semester and I dont want that to happen again.
-So no, I dont think I will do another project unless Liz convinces me otherwise. Whoknows.

Its the end of the Fall Semester my Junior Year. Crazy
Matt will be graduating this Spring, what...even more crazy.
I love my voice teacher, he is awesome...not so crazy, just awesome.
I was at the opening night of Cyrano de Bergeric (sp?) with K.Klien, and Jen Gardner...I sat 2nd Row, for free, in front of Ben Affleck...I met him and Joanna Gleason...and the Neederlanders...all very nice people. Clearly a night I will remeber for the rest of my life, my first broadway opening night. :)
I have 2 ten page papers due friday at midnight. Nither of which I have started except for to pick topics and kick around thesis statements. One is on the adaptation of the book The Little Mermaid into the Disney movie and the musical Once On This Island. The other is about making money on broadway the revival and the Disney Musical. Lots of Disney I guess...maybe I had a repressed childhood..ha ha...thats not true. Oh and the last is on Richard the III and the production I saw at Classic Stage. Thats due Friday at Midnight, Little Mermaid is due Monday. My prompt book from my Directing Project is also due monday. But thats the easiest of the projects.
This weekend I have 4 parties. 2 on Friday Night (after my papers are done of course!), and 2 on Saturday. One in the afternoon, a small gathering, and one in the evening, a night of Christmas Movies. Sunday I will study for the test I have tuesday and wednesday. Thursday the 20th I fly back to MI. I am in MI until the 29th, then I come back to NYC to celebrate new years with friends and maybe my dad. Then on Jan 2 I start working at the Public for Under the Radar as one of their company managers (very excited about this) and an intern in general. I decided against taking January classes to give me some free time to..get this...GO TO BOSTON! Thats right, I might actually do what ive been planning on doing for the last 3 years and take that trip. Very exciting. Also, my bff Christa and I are going to go Skiing for a weekend. Good Times.
Andy will not be in town in January, he will be at Shakespeare and Co for their Month Long intensive, hes a good kid.
I love Christmas Season. Not really Christmas the day, its over rated. I enjoy spending the extra time with family, giving and decorations, and the general warm feeling christmas gives me. Christmas day is strange, so this Christmas my mom and dad and I are going to see Sweeney Todd...becuase what says the giving spirit like Johnny Deep killing people and singing? Nothing else does.

I feel like this is a really long update. But I needed to write so I can sleep. There you have it. I wonder if anyone even reads this anymore, either way. For those that do I hope you are all well, and I wish you the best this Christmas Season....I should say Holiday...okay This Holiday Season. :)
Merry Christmas to All and to All a Goodnight,

Katie (*Kate)
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