Hey Kids,
I just got out of the bath. The fall is the time of year for this, and post bath is the perfect time.
I am drifting somewhere between today and tomorrow. On the edge of the sea of time, I wait. There is nothing but mist before and behind me, for I am in this moment, and this moment is, all there is.
Promise me you will not call me the names that limit me to that place. I am forever lost on the waves that carried me beyond the comfort of simpler shores. I never want to give up on the search that I am on. I never want to lose the trail of the mystery I chase. The cat's eyes and the churchbells at midnight hold the secrets of its discovery. I am not anything I can say in the beat of words, but I am everything I feel and something more.
Something beyond the edge of the world.
Something that sings from the storm.
Something that chases and is chased and is chaste.
Something that lies and lies and tells only the truth.
Something that can be understood only through years of letting the tantrum in.
The lights of the night's city are a siren's song. The blue of the clouded stars hides the part of me that flies beyond the wind.
I am drifting somewhere among all the heres and yesterdays that I was and where I have been. I am calling the names of all the constellations of events that centre me. I am the boat and the waves that have brought me to this place and I am their captain and I am their slave. There is only the scent on the air and the taste of blood in my mouth. The taste of passion exhaled on the skin of her neck, and hers. There is nothing in the name but the name and nothing in the journey but each moment enjoyed.
What I ask, is the point of living if you do not live?
Suppressing the pain also suppresses the pleasure.
The spirit haunts the places I have been and sometimes, somehow, the places I will be. I am not yet there, and perhaps I shall never be. It is not the finding that is my goal, it is the space between here and there. The moment of desire. The steady note that calls me on.
I am drifting somewhere, but always with open ears and open eyes. Always tasting the wind and feeling the spray.
I am drifting somewhere. I am in this moment, and this moment is, all there is.
Until next time,
I'm Ktwilight