oh yeah. i got a raise at work. like, a nice raise considering the way the economy is.
actually, come to think of it, it's the biggest raise i think i've ever got.
and i got told i'm awesome, and i'm getting a semi promotion.... ok, sorta, i'm gonna be working the customer service desk and such... it's not much, but damnit, it's the next step to being back in management!
i'm going to start working events outside the store too. yay! plus, i teach little kids classes and work birthday parties. i love doing that!
it's nice to be appreciated for once.... even if it's just at a fucking grocery store.
tomorrow is wrestlemania! i'm excited for the white trash bash we have every year.
crappy food, crappy beer, and wonderful over acted wrestling entertainment. too bad my teeth hurt so bad i can't even really eat anything.... oh cheese dip.... i can just eat you with a spoon!
holler @ loosing 10lbs in the process.
oh, but i can eat the shit out of
and i do.... i eat them while eric eats popcorn... which i can't eat anymore due to my teeth. eff you.
these are also fucking amazing.
oh the things you discover working at the hippie store.
i have to pee and eric is pooping.
pps: 52 days til i'm sammy davis