Oct 07, 2005 07:39
While we live mostly for ourselves -- for most of us, most of our
day -- we also interact with others. We live with others, as with
members of a family. We do business with others -- we buy in
their shops; we sell them our services and wares. We even do acts
of kindness -- giving energy, time and money as acts of charity.
Beyond all this, however, is how we think about others.
Our heart's desires are what we really want from life. If we
train our minds, our thoughts, to also want for others, to care
for them in a sincere way, we may call ourselves compassionate.
The more we feel others' needs and yearnings, the more
compassionate we are.
Such compassion takes us into eternity. For, feelings of
compassion lie beyond the physical world. They are, essentially,
a part of the world to come.
---- Have a smiling day --------