Announcement: Looking for Fanartists

Feb 02, 2015 12:53

This 2015, the KTStyle Fest is creating a very big project for every KT shipper!

Do you have amazing drawing skills like Kris? Then you’re most suitable for this project!

More information will be revealed soon but we’re looking for fanartists at the moment, who are willing to draw 1-2 (or more) Taoris artwork/s. We will also be accepting any kind of art (typography, doodles, comics, etc.) as long as it’s made by you. Sadly, photomanips wouldn’t be accepted due to copyright reasons. But worry not, you’ll still have a chance to participate in the next KTStyle Fest Project!

To apply as a fanartist, you can e-mail us at or copy and paste the text below and comment on this post. All of the comments will be screened, so you don't have to worry about your identity!

E-mail Address:
Contact Info: Twitter URL, Tumblr URL, etc.
Number of fanart(s) willing to contribute:

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